How to Magnetize Metal With Batteries
- 1). Wrap the bell wire tightly around the iron nail so that most of the nail is covered with one layer of wrapped wire. Remove the insulation from the ends of the wire, leaving at least half an inch of bare copper wire exposed on each end of the wire.
- 2). Line up at least 2 D batteries, with the positive pole of one battery nesting in the negative end of the other battery. If more than two batteries are being used, align the batteries so that the positive pole is facing the same way on every battery. Make sure the batteries are all touching and wrap them with duct tape to hold them in a line. Do not cover either end of your battery chain.
- 3). Tape one of the ends of your bell wire (the exposed copper part) to the negative end of your battery chain.
- 4). Spread several paper clips onto a table top. Now hold the other end of your bell wire to the positive terminal of your battery chain. Your nail should now be an electromagnet. Test this by holding your nail close to a paper clip and see if the paper clip sticks to your nail. If it does, then you have successfully magnetized metal with batteries.
- 5). Add more batteries to your battery chain and test the strength of your electromagnet by seeing how many more paper clips can be picked up by your iron nail each time a battery is added to the chain.