Are You A Micro-multinationalist?
Since the bursting of the Social Media bubble, many young, innovative and enthusiastic entrepreneurs have found yet another way to develop, expand and grow their businesses . Ways in which they would reach to the market faster and in the most cost-effective manner. The internet today is helping and allowing small companies to act like big ones.
Commonly known as micro-multinationals, these companies are a small organization, with employees all over the world, connected with the most prevalent of communication strategies of the 21st Century the social media. These companies involve social websites including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, to hire professionals all over the world, hence creating a global multinational in the true sense of the word.
In the past, being a multinational was the one common dream shared by thousands of small sized ventures. The benefits of addressing the global market and catering to their needs were something that only the Fortune 500 companies could enjoy. This was due to the simple reason that only these large organizations had the infrastructure to handle employees and operations all over the world. At the time, very few companies could raise the capital or develop the international expertise required to maneuver and establish businesses in foreign countries.
But since the advent of the internet and the popularization of the social media, the scenario has changed to an unimaginable level. The world has become a more globalised place. The social media has given the smaller organizations to handle an entire workforce, situated in all corners of the world, thus giving birth to the term, Micro - multinational. The amount of business activities has changed drastically, since the geographic boundaries have begun to fade away, and have created a paradigm shift in the way companies can operate globally, quickly erasing the conventional local first, global later mentality. The social media has eliminated all boundaries to create and develop business overseas for any possible industry vertical. Making it legally possible, International business lawyers have also given a thumbs-up to aspiring micro multinational organizations, hence making the entire phenomenon viable.
An extremely successful example of a six people micro multinational is Slideshare, which is the presentation form of YouTube. The service allows non-profit and profit organizations to upload presentations in various formats to share publically, which gives social media a whole new level of information. The organization has employees all over the world to handle the various operations in the worlds largest community for sharing.
The trend of micro multinationalism has taken over the world in a way that no one could ever imagine. Entrepreneurs could not have created such companies if they would have been unable to leverage global talent.