Learn Article Marketing - Get Your Articles Read! Here Are 6 Hot Tips
That is the only reason you wrote them in the first place-to disseminate information and impart knowledge.
Meanwhile some writers fear that the time spent writing articles may well have been wasted since their articles might not be read.
It is one reason many marketers have not embraced article writing in their marketing efforts.
Indeed, if an article is bland and boring, nobody will read it.
And the time and efforts expended on writing such articles have indeed been wasted.
But that need not keep you grounded.
The gains of marketing with articles are many and real.
You only need to write in a way that makes readers enjoy your articles.
Here are 6 hot tips to ensure that whoever comes across your articles will read them and look forward to your next post: Use Attention-Grabbing Title: what do you usually look out for when you visit newsstands? Isn't it headlines and subheads? People who search for information at search engines are no different! In fact, even when people simply visit your website or blog with a totally different subject on their minds, certain article titles featured on your site may simply grab their attention and they are moved to explore the subject further.
That is the power of headlines.
Make the Opening Paragraph Very Interesting: mention a real life issue that a reader can identify with.
Cite examples and give illustrations.
You can also make use of descriptions and metaphors.
Just do not overuse any of these.
It is about helping readers to imagine what you are talking about.
These mechanisms also help to make the reading experience pleasurable.
Use Short Paragraphs: a piece of writing will appear boring and intimidating if the paragraphs are rather large and clumsy.
It promises no relieve to the human eye.
It appears cumbersome and challenging to read.
But when that same size of article is broken into several short and well-arranged paragraphs, it automatically becomes appealing to the eye and to the mind.
There is no hard-and-fast rule as to what constitutes a long or a short paragraph.
But as rule of the thumb, ensure that most paragraphs are shorter than eight lines or eight sentences, whichever is shorter.
None should be longer than ten lines.
I would further suggest that every long paragraph (i.
over eight lines) be immediately followed by a markedly shorter one.
Keep It Flowing: yes, make your article interesting from start to finish.
Always keep the main idea in view as you write; readers can easily tell when you introduce irrelevant points into the write-up.
So write to hold their attention.
Be consistent and make the article coherent; ensure that one point naturally blends into the other in your discussion of a subject.
Highlight The Main Message: getting the main gist of your article should not become an I.
test; the major information you are trying to communicate to readers should be easy to pick out.
Watch the Overall Length: remember that most persons looking for information in articles want to fetch it up as quickly as possible.
Consequently if they see identical topics in several online articles, almost all readers will opt for the short-to-moderate length articles.
Only if the information they need is not found in shorter articles will they consider very lengthy ones.
So why give your article the option of 'last resort'? Keep it moderate-450 to 750 words max.
To avoid wasting your time and that of article websites, craft your articles in line with the guidelines given here.
This will ensure that your articles will be read, which in turn will enhance your reputation in your niche market.