Itchy Toes at Night - How to End the Chronic Misery
Without a doubt, this has been my life's greatest frustration.
If you or a loved one suffers from this chronic misery night in and night out you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Over the years I have figured out a way to manage and eliminate the problem of itchy toes during the night and it is my passion to share this with everyone who suffered as I did.
With this article, I will explain what causes your toes to itch at night and give several methods of eliminating the cause.
Most every medical problem that occurs is directly related to the health of your colon.
That's right folks, a healthy digestive track is vital to your overall health.
An unhealthy intestinal track is established when the ratio of good bacterial cultures to that of the harmful ones is less than 80/20.
Unfortunately, with the foods we eat and the pollutants present in the world we live in, many people struggle with keeping this balance in check.
The result that most often causes one to suffer from itchy toes at night is yeast.
Also known as Candida albicans, yeast is a reluctant micro organism with a shape like a fish hook that grabs onto your soft tissue causing inflation and an itchy discomfort.
Most often this itching sensation will occur in your toes as your blood flow carries it from your digestive track to your extremities.
Left unchecked this discomfort will spread to your fingers, legs, armpits, and other areas of your body.
The reason the symptoms get worse at night is because the yeasts (living organisms) are stimulated by the hormones released by your sleep cycle.
Most doctors will tell you that it is impossible to kill without the help of strong antibiotics.
The problem with this is that after a bout of strong, even moderate, antibiotics the good pro biotic bacteria in your gut is eradicated along with the harmful yeast leaving your body once again defenseless.
So how do we kill these seemingly un-killable little devils suffering us to those itchy toes at night? In addition to the three effective tips I'm sharing below, check out my blog in the author box at the end of this article for even more information.
Step 1.
You have to fight this battle on its own front, namely, the intestines.
Go to your local health food store or super market and get yourself on a regular regimen of a living pro biotic.
The best way to introduce this to your body is by taking the pill or powder form, a simple acidophilus will serve the purpose nicely.
The yogurt or milk based cultures on the market won't get you anywhere close to the parts per million starter cultures you need to return to that healthy ratio.
Step 2.
Starve the yeast.
A yeast culture is a very simply microorganism and as such requires the simplest form of nutrition which is a monosaccharide, any form of simple sugar.
Foods that promote rapid Candida overgrowth are foods such as candy, breads, sodas, pasta and nearly every sugar or starch based food we all love so much.
Deny yourself these foods during your healing process and your yeast symptoms will disappear far more quickly.
Step 3.
Feed your body what it needs.
We talked about foods that promote the growth of yeast so equally important are the foods that kill yeast.
Anti fungal and anti yeast foods include ginger, curry, coconut oil, turmeric, and any alkalizing food like leafy green veggies.
Tea Tree, oil is also a great anti yeast agent.
Make these foods a staple in your diet to eliminate Candida the healthy way.
To summarize, a yeast overgrowth is one of the worst chronic frustrations of the 21st century.
Symptoms are often shown as itchy toes at night along with countless other topical irritations.
There are several ways to fight yeast, adding a pro biotic to your regular diet, avoiding foods high in simple sugars and adding anti yeast and anti fungal foods.