The Science Behind Male Enhancement
Women fake orgasms because they are hoping for a miracle.
This kind wishful thinking can lead to more problems in the future.
In fact, 6 out of 10 relationships fail because of sexual incompatibility.
This proves the importance of sex in an adult relationship.
Keeping your partner happy in bed is something you should not forget.
There are a couple of reasons why women cannot achieve orgasm, but the main factor that contributes to this problem is the size of the penis.
Having wider and longer penis means having more penetration, which leads to a more enjoyable sex.
Aside from size, men also lack the endurance to hold their erection.
Most men can only last for 3-5 minutes of continuous penetration, while women need at least 20-30 minutes.
Therefore, Men resort to all kinds of male enhancement to find a solution to this problem.
Surgery is one of the most common types of male enhancement procedure.
It is often called as penis lengthening surgery.
Like any type of surgery, this type of procedure involves a lot of risk and money.
The procedure of the surgery involves cutting ligaments found near the pubic bone and straightening the penis.
By giving the ligaments a straighter path, the penis' length will be longer.
Male enhancement like penis pumps has been in the market for several years now.
This procedure involves pumping more blood into the penis, which makes it bigger and wider.
What people do not know about this method is its real effects and risks.
Using a penis pump can only make it look big, but it can cause permanent damage to your penis.
Controlling the blood flow with a machine can injure the blood vessels and veins inside the penis.
It can lead to blisters and the bursting of blood vessels, which would lead to permanent loss of erection.
In a study made by the top universities in the United States, they found out that penis pumps cannot increase the size of penis permanently.
Like any muscle, a penis can achieve its full potential by exercising.
However, this kind of exercise does not involve any weights or special machine.
The only thing you need is a pair of hands.
Massaging the right areas and controlling the muscles will increase the size and girth.
Since this is a natural male enhancement procedure, it does not have any incoherent risks.
All you need is a set of instructions on how to do it properly.