Napoleon Hill Books - Which One Will Bring You the Best Results?

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Napoleon Hill spent 20 years interviewing 500 of the wealthiest, most successful people of his time searching for the secrets of their success.
He found them, judging by the results of people who later applied these secrets to their work.
Hill summarized these wealth creating principles as The Laws of Success, then later as Think and Grow Rich.
A million people have credited Napoleon Hill as the greatest influence in making their first million dollars.
Probably millions more increased their ability to become wealthier and more successful, even if they didn't quite achieve the millionaire mark.
We know his principles work as found in his original book, The Laws of Success, and in his most famous book, Think and Grow Rich.
Your learning style will determine which of these two valuable books can be the most helpful to you.
I read Think and Grow Rich a number of times.
I certainly did a lot of thinking, but I did not grow rich.
I needed to learn more.
Why something works is more convincing to me than just the statement that it does work.
I decided to do a chapter by chapter comparison between Napoleon Hill's two books to see if anything important was mentioned in one book but not the other.
So far, I have found that the level of detail and depth of explanation is far greater in The Laws of Success.
My learning style is to read a lot in order to find the essence of a topic.
Sometimes, just a few extra words can clarify a concept for me.
I am finding the greatest value in The Laws of Success.
Hill's original summary of all his 500 interviews became The Laws of Success.
He lectured on these Laws in most American cities, and even turned them into 16 separate lessons, offering them to people as a lesson per month home study course.
He knew the importance and quality of information that his Laws of Success contained would take time to digest and apply in order to get the best results.
In 1937, just coming out of the Great Depression, Napoleon Hill did a summary of The Laws of Success.
This summary, Think and Grow Rich, became his most famous book.
I have read that this book still sells about a million copies a year, and may be considered as the second best selling book ever, the first being the Bible.
If your learning style works most effectively by starting with a summary of an idea before you search for more information, Think and Grow Rich may be the best choice for you.
Current writing in quantum physics and neurobiology confirms much of what Napoleon Hill presented to the world almost 100 years ago.
It works because it is sound advice based on timeless principles.
We also realize that if applied in our lives, we can also increase our wealth and success.
It may simply depend on understanding what we need most to suit our best approach to learning this vital information.
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