Your Content Writers Are Human Beings Too
Then why blame them for their grammatical and spelling mistakes? As it is, a heavy percentage of articles are created as food for search engines and they end up in blogs and article directories.
Human eyes hardly read the majority of them.
All that interests the supplier are the links in the resource box.
Obviously, the article should be readable because the editors of the article directories will read them before publishing them on their directories.
A properly written article involves lots of research at the writer's end.
I would expect a minimum of an hour's research before the writing process commences.
How can you expect the poor writer to churn out 10 articles in 5 hours? However, this is what the writers demand and the writers provide.
Even if one assumes that the writers are familiar with the niche and does not need to do substantial research, they will never be able to do justice to the articles unless they are extremely fast and error free typists.
If this is not enough, the suppliers pay peanuts for these articles.
I have located instances where the writer gets no more than $1 per 2 articles of 500 words each.
A couple of years ago the minimum going rate for an article was $5 per 500 words at the minimum.
There was no dearth of work too.
So how did this undercutting come about? Here is a secret that a few of you might know.
The article provider accepts the order from someone else for a princely sum and then passes on a tiny percentage of that to the writer.
This is regrettable.
However, this problem will persist as long as you writers keep on supplying your hard work for chicken feed.
Have faith in yourself.
There have been periods when I spent an entire week without any jobs, only to find gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow.
If you have a flair for writing and have faith in it too, then you should not accept writing tasks that do not pay a reasonable sum of money.
I shall try to provide more hints and tips in the future, but do not promise more than one article per week.
Your feedbacks will provide me with the impetus to write articles that are more aggressive.
Seven days do make a week, but in my case, those seven days make me weak.
Here is wishing you all the best and prosperous writing.