5 Tips To Get Your Articles Read And Drive Traffic Back To Your Website
There is nothing more frustrating than to conduct all of your research, and invest the time to write and publish a well-written article, just to receive only a few views, if any at all.
If we are going to invest this time to write an article, lets increase our chances for that article to accomplish what it was created for...
Drive Traffic! Here are 5 tips that you can utilize to help get your articles read, and begin driving traffic back to your website! 1.
Use short paragraphs.
If a paragraph goes on and on, you will quickly lose the attention of your reader.
If you lose your reader's interest, they will quickly click away from your article, and search for one that is easier to look at, and more enjoyable to read.
Remember, paragraphs can be a single sentence, sometimes even a single word! 2.
Use numbers or bullets.
As you are stressing each point in your article, numbers and bullets can quickly make each point easier to digest and remember.
Format your numbers and bullets to where your article will not look like a single block of square paragraphs.
Use sub-headings to divide your paragraphs.
This will allow you to easily break each point into sections.
This gives the reader the ability to easily move from one point to another.
This will keep your reader's attention, and will provide direction as to where your article is heading.
Create a title or header that will immediately grab the attention of your reader.
Enticing the curiosity of the reader is half the battle of getting that person to read your article from start to finish.
Ask questions that utilize keywords that people are searching for.
Create titles that describe your article's content, but are short and to the point at the same time.
Make the experience of reading your article pleasurable and enjoyable to keep them interested from start to finish.
If your reader clicks away from your article before they are finished reading, your article will not accomplish what you created it for.
Use descriptions and metaphors to drive your point.
Just don't over do it! Using examples and metaphors makes it easier for the reader to imagine what you are talking about.
If you begin utilizing these 5 tips to get your articles read, your article marketing experience will be much more enjoyable, and your articles will begin to accomplish your number one goal, drive traffic back to your website!