Toenail Fungus and the Relationship With Athlete"s Foot
The reason is simple - they are both caused by a fungus from the Trichophyton family.
These fungal infections thrive in certain conditions - they like warmth, moisture and high humidity.
Unsurprisingly, athlete's foot is so called because of its prevalence in sporting environments - this is because gyms, locker rooms and communal shower areas provide the ideal growing conditions - they tend to be warm and moist, and people tend to get dressed in a hurry, perhaps not taking enough care in drying their feet.
Also, sports shoes tend to make your feet sweat and they often don't dry out properly before being used again.
This is another ideal opportunity for the fungus to take hold.
It is common for people with one fungal infection to have the other.
(At this point it's worth mentioning Tinea Cruris or 'jock itch', which is once again the same fungus but symptoms are noticed in the groin area.
) Both athlete's foot which is known as Tinea Pedis and fungal nail infections (Onychomycosis) are unpredictable in the sense that some people are more susceptible to catching the infection than others.
In the case of fungal nail infections, damage to the nail area may increase the likelihood of contagion - but while both are contagious, it is also not uncommon for only one member of a family to suffer.
Added to this, the treatment also differs.
Yes, both require anti-fungal treatments and both benefit from improved hygiene.
Athlete's foot is usually cleared up by using an over the counter powder or anti-fungal cream.
But curing a fungal nail infection is often more problematic as once the infection is under the nail area, it is very difficult and slow to treat.
Toenails may take a year to heal and effective treatment for one person may not be as successful for another.
In both cases sensible hygiene is important - keep your feet clean and dry them well.
Use recommended anti-fungal treatments, dry your shoes, wash your socks and towels on a high heat, and if you are suffering badly, it may be an idea to replace your gym shoes regularly.