Things To Leave Behind When You Travel
While packing and planning, don't forget to leave your expectations in the drawer. It's not that your dream destination won't live up to them (it just might) but that you'll find yourself chasing preconceived notions and run the risk of missing some wonderful, unexpected gems along the way. Expectations are usually distorted anyway if you're going to a place you've never been before. Movies, TV shows and even reviews posted on the internet only provide a prejudiced vignette that will probably not overlap with your experience in any case. Leaving out with wide eyes and a blank page brings more exciting results in my opinion.
Hurry up and take impatience out of the bag. Immediately! Nothing will ruin a trip faster than a lack of tolerance when everything isn't running as smoothly as we'd like and we're forced to wait. And, if you're impatient, there are a million unexpected snares waiting to snag your good mood: traffic on the way to the airport, backed up security, unscheduled plane maintenance, weather events, a long line at the airport Starbucks… Regardless of what your hot buttons are, you can be sure they will be pressed so it's best to leave impatience at home and go with the flow. Take the extra wait time and use it to call someone you love or read a good book or talk to other people waiting with you. Angrily sulking is something little kids do… and it doesn't help them either!
Worry is another thing to leave in the closet. It is similar to impatience in that it fires our bodies up to do something (fight or flight) when there's nothing we can do. Neibuhr's serenity prayer springs to mind: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference." If at all possible, leave all worry and anxiety behind. In fact, use travel as your excuse for a calm, carefree break in life. Once you get a taste of this worry-free life I think you'll find it can become addictive!
Hanging right beside worry is another article of clothing you should leave out of the bag: negativity! I don't think you should ever bring that tired suit out anyway but it especially needs leaving behind when it's travel time. There are just as many things to be negative about as there are to be positive about- it solely depends on our perspective. That flight delay can either cause you to sulk up to the airport bar or, possibly, to make new friends while talking with fellow travelers. And if you're not traveling alone, your negativity can ruin the trip for everyone else with you as well. Much like impatience and worry, negativity won't change the situation… it will only make things worse.
Last, but not least, leave fear at home. In fact, misplace it altogether and don't bother looking for it again. Life is an adventure and your trip is a kind of condensed version. If you're afraid to try new things and meet new people you are only hurting yourself and missing out on wonderful memories. But, if you let fear disappear (along with that mysteriously missing sock), every day can be a "travel day."
It's definitely a good idea to find out what you need to bring before you travel but don't forget the things you need to leave behind! What you don't bring along for the ride can be more important than anything in your luggage.