Do Hair Extensions Thicken Thinning Hair
Fact and fiction. While hair extensions will not actually make your hair thicker, they will give you the appearance of thicker hair. If youre a man that has always had long hair, but began noticing bald patches and/or a receding hairline, hair extensions are good for a temporary solution. We emphasize the word temporary because extensions add weight to your hair. While they may look good for the time being, extensions put stress on your hair follicles.
If youve opted for hair extensions you have a large selection. You can choose synthetic extensions actual human hair. Whats the difference, you ask? The look, the feel, and the price! Human hair tends to be much more expensive than synthetic hair. Despite this, you can find synthetic and human hair extensions to match the color, texture, and style of your own natural hair.
Your hair extensions will be applied randomly in rows throughout the bottom of your hairline. Theyre applied directly to your own hair (hence we warn about them pulling on your hair, promoting further bald patches/hair loss). Once they are attached to your hair, you can wash your hair and style it as if the extensions were your actual hair.
There are a positives and negatives on hair extensions. The positives seem to out weight the negatives.
Positive Reasons for Hair Extensions
Thin Hair? Go to your local salon for hair extensions. A few hours later, youll walk out with a full thick head of natural looking hair.
If you keep your hair short because of your thinning hair--this is your opportunity to have long hair. Put it up or leave it down. The choice is yours!
Up for a drastic change? Give yourself a total make-over with a new color and longer hair.
Negatives? Perhaps
If youre thinking about hair extensions, you should do your homework. High quality extensions can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars into the thousands. We know, WOW. Thats a pretty hefty price tag to pay every three months (maybe sooner!).
If youre already thinning from hair dyes, perms, or long hair that was worn too tightly--hair extensions may promote further damage. You should consult with your beautician before deciding if extensions are right for you. Explain your situation and any trepidations you may have. If youre experiencing hair loss--you must discuss these details. Your beautician may have an entirely different solution!
If youve opted for hair extensions you have a large selection. You can choose synthetic extensions actual human hair. Whats the difference, you ask? The look, the feel, and the price! Human hair tends to be much more expensive than synthetic hair. Despite this, you can find synthetic and human hair extensions to match the color, texture, and style of your own natural hair.
Your hair extensions will be applied randomly in rows throughout the bottom of your hairline. Theyre applied directly to your own hair (hence we warn about them pulling on your hair, promoting further bald patches/hair loss). Once they are attached to your hair, you can wash your hair and style it as if the extensions were your actual hair.
There are a positives and negatives on hair extensions. The positives seem to out weight the negatives.
Positive Reasons for Hair Extensions
Thin Hair? Go to your local salon for hair extensions. A few hours later, youll walk out with a full thick head of natural looking hair.
If you keep your hair short because of your thinning hair--this is your opportunity to have long hair. Put it up or leave it down. The choice is yours!
Up for a drastic change? Give yourself a total make-over with a new color and longer hair.
Negatives? Perhaps
If youre thinking about hair extensions, you should do your homework. High quality extensions can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars into the thousands. We know, WOW. Thats a pretty hefty price tag to pay every three months (maybe sooner!).
If youre already thinning from hair dyes, perms, or long hair that was worn too tightly--hair extensions may promote further damage. You should consult with your beautician before deciding if extensions are right for you. Explain your situation and any trepidations you may have. If youre experiencing hair loss--you must discuss these details. Your beautician may have an entirely different solution!