eMillions - Stories of 14 Successful Internet Millionaires by Stanley Tang - Book Review

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Title and Author:eMillions- Behind the Scenes Stories of 14 Successful Internet Millionaires by Stanley Tang Synopsis of Content: In 2008 Stanley Tang, a 15 year old entrepreneur, student and author from Hong Kong interviewed 14 of the most successful men and women making money on the internet.
He compiled the interviews into this book.
For anyone who doubts the ability of someone to build an internet business and make money doing it this book is a must read.
It offers practical ideas and a lot of inspiration.
It is not however a how-to guide.
Some of the people Tang interviewed are big names in internet marketing such as Mark Joyner and Yanik Silver.
Others may not be as familiar but still have accomplished a great deal.
Most started out very young, even in their teens such as Tang has.
Many came from poverty and some lack much formal education.
All have worked extremely hard and made it.
They give you a glimpse in this book of how they made it.
You learn about the pioneers in the early commercial internet days - the late 1980s and the 1990s and then you see how some arose in the 2000s.
Each one describes struggles, setbacks and failures.
Each pushed on beyond those times and finally figured out what works.
Once they learn that the money can flow.
Some made their fortunes with Clickbank and eBay.
Some sold information products produced by others as affiliates.
Some produced their own services, software and information products.
Many did a combination of those.
The stories not coincidentally sound similar.
Success leaves clues someone once said and as you read these 14 interviews you see common themes all over.
This book will not tell you how to make money on the internet.
It will tell you some of the mistakes and some of the success strategies used by many of the top internet marketers.
You will see some key website URLs to investigate and sources of additional information and training sites.
At the end of the book Tang offers you a link to $397 in "bonus" materials.
Yes, they are bonus materials - ebooks on everything from making money on the internet to becoming fit.
However there is a catch - to each of the bonus books you must submit your name and email to another marketer who will then send you multiple follow up messages to market products to you.
This may not be a bad thing - but you should be aware of it.
Readability/Writing Quality: The book is easy to read but was not edited well.
It has many typos.
A careful reader will spot several dozen.
This book is called a compilation - the author writes a number of blog articles or other pieces and then compiles them into a book.
There is nothing wrong with that, but it means the book lacks coherence.
Notes on Author: Stanley Tang is an 18 year old (2011) student and internet marketer in Hong Kong.
He has his own internet marketing business.
Three Great Ideas You Can Use: 1.
Internet marketing requires a lot of study and learning.
It is changing quickly and all the time.
One must study it constantly to keep up.
Those who do stay on top of the trends and techniques have the advantage.
Perhaps the largest enemy of success is quitting.
The authors all stress the importance of persevering.
Successful internet marketing is about identifying a niche of people who are willing to buy, and then effectively marketing to them with value laden products.
Anyone can do this, but it is not easy.
At the very least it takes a lot of work.
Publication Information: eMillions by Stanley Tang Copyright 2008 by Stanley Tang.
Published by Madeeasy Publishing, Morgan James Publishing, LLC, Garden City, NY.
Overall Rating for Book: Good Writing Style: Easy to read although not well edited.
Usefulness: for anyone considering making money on line this book is inspirational and useful.
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