Video: Preparing Masa Mix for Chicken Tamales
Video Transcript
We are going to show you how to make authentic Mexican tamales. We're going to look at how to prepare the masa mix for the tamales. We have a 4 pound bag of masa mix. For the masa mix of this size, we would use about 30 ounces of oil. Again, we're going to use the same ingredients; salt, garlic, and the chili powder. For right now, we're using this container, but remember we said if we were going to make a portion like this size, we would use this container. Something like this. Preferable a plastic container, but we're just giving you the example for the size. You would take the masa mix, add salt and garlic to taste. Also, the chili powder just to give it a little bit of color. Once you've done that, then go ahead and add the oil, about 30 ounces for this 4 pound bag. Mix it. Then you're going to add water. It needs to be hot and you need to mix it until the texture is to the point where it looks something like this. Get the masa mix to where you can actually mold it.