Wood Burning Stove Installation Regulations
- Fuel to stave off the cold of winter.Fire wood image by ILonika from Fotolia.com
As fuel costs rise then people are turning to alternative means of heating their house in the winter. One method of heating that people are turning toward more and more is wood stoves. Wood stoves com in a variety of sizes and can be installed fairly easily into your house. However, there are some installation regulations with which you must be aware. - When you install the stove, make sure that there is the proper amount of clearance between it and any material that is combustible. If the stove is a radiant stove than this distance must be 36 inches. If the stove is a circulating stove, then the clearance can be 12 inches.
- You need to install a non-combustible material on the wall to protect it from the heat of the stove. There must be a spacing of 1 inch between it and the wall. This spacing allows air to circulate between it and the wall, and also allows the heat from transferring to the wall itself.
- The floor must be protected form the heat of the stove. When the stove is placed in the middle of this pad, 12 inches must extend beyond 12 inches of the stove's sides, and it must extend 18 inches beyond the front of the stove.
- The stove pipe needs to be 18 inches from any combustible material so that the heat generated by the stove is not passed through the wall.
- The chimney of the must be lined with with stainless steel. Three types of liners are recommended, according to the National Ag Safety Database, solid pack insulated, air cooled thermo-syphon and air insulated. These chimneys allow the stove to function more efficiently.
- The chimney should be located in the center of the house. By installing it a distance from the outside air, it helps to lessen the risk for the build up of creosote. The chimney needs to be 2 inches from anything combustible.
- The chimney must extend at least 4 to 4 feet above the roof of the house to ensure that the smoke is directed away from the house. If the chimney is 4 feet or more taller, then it must be braced with wires. Thia will prevent it from being damaged in high winds.
- Inspect the chimney before you light a fire in the stove. The chimney needs to be inspected every year thereafter, before the start of the heating season.
Combustable Materials
Non-Combutsible Shield
Floor Protection
Stove Pipe
Location of Chimney
Height of the Chimney