How to Learn French From a Demo
- 1). Visit an interactive French language demo website such as "Learn French with Ouino: Les salutations (Greetings)" or "Learn French with Ouino: L'essentie (Essentials)." These French language demo sites allow the learner to interact with them as they are playing.
- 2). Listen to the French language words and phrases that are spoken on that website two to three times each. After listening to the French words and phrases on the demo, repeat them aloud.
- 3). Stop the demo video from proceeding when needed, so that you can make written notes in your notebook to remember certain French language words and phrases.
- 4). Copy French words and phrases onto recipe note cards, listing the French language word in its correct spelling on one side, and the word's English meaning on the other side, so that you can practice what you learned from the demo later on.
- 5). Proceed to play the interactive demo, making notes as you go through the demo. Click on the specific French language words and phrases, so that you can review them, repeating them out loud and making sure that you have them spelled correctly in your notes and homemade flash cards.
Learning French