Video: Uppercut Punch in Koden Kan Martial Arts
Video Transcript
Hi! I¡¯m Madison Warner and I¡¯ve been instructing for over 10 years in Michael M. Foley system of Koden Kan Karate, if you¡¯d like to see more about our style and about us go to or and there¡¯s all information you want on all that. Today I¡¯m going to show you uppercut, this is another strike and you¡¯re going to start in your kiba dachi stance again with your knees very low and your back is straight, nice strong core, bring your hands back and you want your wrist to be straight, proper fist and your elbows up. Uppercut is going to go at a 45 degree angle up and then rest back here to your chest, as you do the next strike you¡¯re going to bring hand back to your set point alright. The main thing people do wrong on this is they¡¯ll go like this¡okay this is going to be a more structured strike than that, so you¡¯re just going to bring it from your set position up to a 45 degree angle and back and what you¡¯re doing is you¡¯re making contact and then you¡¯re continuing on and following through with the strike, bring it up all the way through and back, so it¡¯s one fluid motion, strike and back okay and that is uppercut.