Fishing Games for Kids
- Catching a large fish, to many, is the most important part of fishing. Create a largest fish contest for kids. Selecting lures of their choice, or giving them all identical lures, record every child's catch. Take a picture of every fish next to a ruler, so there is proper documentation. Once the fishing is complete, post the pictures in order of largest to smallest. Try variations of this game, such as best of three fish or the average size of three fish.
- Lures are the most important aspect of catching a fish. Creating an object to reel in fish can be difficult and challenging. Have the children create lures. Show them different types of lures and describe why they do and do not work. With that in mind, have the children make three to five variations of lures. Once the lures are complete, have a timed fishing contest in which the children try to catch as many fish as possible. The child with the most fish wins. Many other awards are possible, perhaps for the best-looking or most creative lure.
- Teach the children how to cast properly before beginning this contest. In a large yard, lay out paper plates in a line as targets. Have the children begin casting with the goal of hitting the plates in a specific order. Once the miss a plate, they are out. Continue this process until there is one child left. Other variations could include mixing up the order of the plates, or laying the plates out in different patterns.
Who can catch the largest fish?
Make your own lure
Casting tournament