Basic Information on Visa Credit Cards
- Visa offers different types of accounts to suit various customer needs. These include corporate, merchant, individual and government accounts.
- Banks that work with Visa offer both fixed and variable interest rates depending on the status and nature of a customer's or business's credit.
- Visa card holders are not responsible for unauthorized purchases made on their card, get to waive most rental car collision insurance requirements and can get their cards replaced in an emergency.
- Visa card usage is not restricted to the United States; the card can be used for purchases with credit or for getting cash advances anywhere the Visa logo is accepted in over 200 countries and territories worldwide.
- Banks that issue Visa credit cards may charge annual fees and fees for cash advances. If you are late paying your bill, then late fees can be applied. Likewise, if the card goes over the credit limit, then an over limit fee may apply.
Interest Rates