What Is a Native American Round Dance?
- A round dance is popular among audience members who are not Native Americans during powwows because the dance consists of easy-to-follow moves that are performed while dancing in a circle.
- The round dance brings cultural awareness to the activity. During powwows, there are many participants who are not Native Americans, and the round dance gives them a chance to get out on the dance floor and dance a traditional dance.
- People of any age are welcome to get on the dance floor. Children are often occupied by their parents during this time.
- A round dance is one of the few Native American dances in which women get to dance with men. Native American traditional dances are usually segregated by gender.
- The area where the dance occurs is considered sacred space. Visitors be respectful at all times.
- Feathers play an important part in Native American culture and dances. When dancing, people need to be careful not to knock into another dancer. When a feather falls, it's treated as though a person died. There is a long ceremony performed after a feather is dropped.
Cultural Awareness
Dance Floor