Bath Glossary
Below is a list of technical terms used to describe the operations of and facets of the Roman baths. Note that Roman baths were social events. Baths could be public or private.
- Aliptes - masseur
- Apodyterium - changing room
- Aquarium - watermen
- Balnea gratuita - free bath
- Balneator - bathmen, sometimes managers of the bathing establishments
- Balneum (balnea) - bathhouse that may or may not have been heated and was smaller and less luxurious than the heated therma (thermae)
- Caldarium - hottest room
- Calida piscina - heated pool
- Capsarius - bathhouse slave who watched clothing for bather
- Collyrium - oculist's unguent box
- Curator aquarum - water commissioner
- Destrictarium - room for scraping off with strigils
- Destrictatia - area where strigiling took place
- Exedrae - relaxation rooms
- Fornacatores - furnace attendants
- Frigidarium - coldest room with pool of cold water, probably with vaulted ceilings
- Hypocaust - these or braziers were used for heating
- Iatraliptae - medical masseurs
- Instrumenta balnei - bath tools like strigils and towels
- Laconium - room for sweating
- Natatio - open- air pool
- Palaestra - exercise court
- Pensilia balnea - hanging baths (therapeutic heated tanks)
- Perfusores - water pourers
- Praefurnium - furnace room
- Solium - heated community pool
- Tepidarium - room where anointing probably took place
- Therma (thermae) - bathhouses usually larger and more luxurious than the balnea; generally made of stone compared with the balnea's wooden structure.
Revenge of the Bath Thieves
Bath Quiz