Having Trouble Getting Your Girl to Climax During Intercourse?Make Her Quiver With These Tips!
More than likely, your failure to bring her to orgasm is rooted in one of just a few causes.
Once you identify and correct where you are going wrong, your sex life will skyrocket! Most women report that the most satisfying, intense orgasms are the ones that are induced by nothing more than sexual intercourse rather than the ones that come with the aid of your fingers and/or tongue.
Here are the most likely reasons that you aren't making her climax during intercourse: 1.
You aren't giving her enough foreplay! Women take a lot longer to get "warmed up" than men do.
If you don't give her enough foreplay, it's going to be a lot harder to make her climax during intercourse.
Spend plenty of time stimulating her erogenous zones such as her ears, neck, nipples, and of course her clitoris during foreplay.
Don't even think about entering her until she is begging you to! 2.
You aren't lasting long enough! Women can't climax in two or three minutes like men can! The average woman takes at least 15 minutes to orgasm during intercourse.
If you're having trouble going the distance, try doing kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles that control your own orgasm.
Your penis isn't big enough! Even if your technique and stamina are there, if your member isn't large enough to produce adequate stimulation, she isn't going to climax! Here's a little test: If you can fit your erect penis into an empty toilet paper cylinder, you are on the small side.
Forget about pills and surgery to get bigger.
Study up and utilize NATURAL penis enlargement techniques that you can do with just your hands.
If you are consistent with them, you will gain permanent size fast.