Skin Care Tip?Sure, Here" s 5 Skin Care Tips To Put Your Best Face Forward
I have a confession to make. I'm a sucker for a good skin care tip. But then, aren't we all? I have some skin care tips for you that will help your skin maintain a youthful look.
1. Do everything in your power to avoid too much direct sunlight. I know you've heard it before but this is number 1. Wear sunscreen and re-apply every 2 hours. Try not to be outside in the middle of the day. Wear protective clothing including a wide brimmed hat and long sleeved shirt. It isn't sexy or what people want to hear but it's the number 1 reason skin ages. Tanning is great when you're young but the leather look that follows is not pretty.
2. You want to wash your face, but don't scrub it free of oils. A warm wash in the morning and before bed is the best habit. Use natural cleansing products. Regarding any of the skin care products, the best skin care tip I can give is go natural. Organic products are less irritating, usually non toxic and just do a great job.
3. Moisturize daily. Any guide pointing out great skin care tips would also include using a really effective moisturizer. One type does not fit all with moisturizers. Find the one that best matches your skin be it oily, dry or normal. A natural moisturizer will be free of petroleum and fragrances. Petroleum will result in too much oil and isn't absorbed naturally by your pores. Fragrances are irritating and can be toxic. A good perfume or natural fragrant oil can be dabbed on instead of rubbed all over your face in a cream or lotion.
4. A natural makeup that you use to accentuate your best features is also an important skin care tip. Makeup can definitely be overdone and tends to be hard on the skin. It can be oily and will definitely lead to clogged pores. The result here is blemishes and possibly acne. Always remove makeup before going to bed.
5. My research has shown that the best skin care tip I can share has to do with products being marketed for natural anti aging and skin care.
1. Do everything in your power to avoid too much direct sunlight. I know you've heard it before but this is number 1. Wear sunscreen and re-apply every 2 hours. Try not to be outside in the middle of the day. Wear protective clothing including a wide brimmed hat and long sleeved shirt. It isn't sexy or what people want to hear but it's the number 1 reason skin ages. Tanning is great when you're young but the leather look that follows is not pretty.
2. You want to wash your face, but don't scrub it free of oils. A warm wash in the morning and before bed is the best habit. Use natural cleansing products. Regarding any of the skin care products, the best skin care tip I can give is go natural. Organic products are less irritating, usually non toxic and just do a great job.
3. Moisturize daily. Any guide pointing out great skin care tips would also include using a really effective moisturizer. One type does not fit all with moisturizers. Find the one that best matches your skin be it oily, dry or normal. A natural moisturizer will be free of petroleum and fragrances. Petroleum will result in too much oil and isn't absorbed naturally by your pores. Fragrances are irritating and can be toxic. A good perfume or natural fragrant oil can be dabbed on instead of rubbed all over your face in a cream or lotion.
4. A natural makeup that you use to accentuate your best features is also an important skin care tip. Makeup can definitely be overdone and tends to be hard on the skin. It can be oily and will definitely lead to clogged pores. The result here is blemishes and possibly acne. Always remove makeup before going to bed.
5. My research has shown that the best skin care tip I can share has to do with products being marketed for natural anti aging and skin care.