Getting the Right Amount of Fat in Your Diet
The low fat diet faze of a few years back clearly had many flaws in it as many people forget the all important fat producer, sugar.
Getting the right amount of fat in your diet is a great balancing act, due to the types of fat that are in certain foods.
Too much fat, and the risk of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and many other diseases goes up.
Too little fat and children don't grow and all humans aren't able to absorb and use vitamins that smooth the skin and bolster the immune system.
Because you're body doesn't need saturated fats, cholesterol or Trans fats from food, it is advised to keep these totals as low as possible.
This is why it is very important for people to understand the difference between these bad fats and the good fats that your body needs to thrive.
Saturated, Cholesterol and Trans Fat are killers to the body.
Not only do they produce this unwanted belly and thigh "fat", but they can also be deadly.
Many people stay away from nuts such as almonds and walnuts due to their high amount of fat content.
This monounsaturated fat found in nuts is essential for the body and is shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, while raising HDL levels.
This type of fat is great for the heart and has been shown to be a crucial part of a heart healthy diet.
The key when eating these types of fats is portion size and control.
More is not necessarily better when using nuts in the diet due to high calories.
Adding about 1.
5 ounces as a daily snack is part of adding "good fat" to your diet.
Experts recommend no more then 20-45% of daily calories from fat.
On a 2,000 calorie daily diet, that is 400-900 calories from fats a day.
If one is using lots of saturated fat, it is absolutely necessary to keep the fat range a lot closer to 20% then to 45%.
A diet higher in "good fats" can get near the 45% amount without the added health issues that may come along with the high fat intake.
Understanding that fat does not equal the "fat" on ones belly or thighs are crucial in planning your diet.
The low fat diet craze of past years, was often filled with high sugary "low-fat" items, which in turn produced a lot of belly and thigh excess fat.
Understanding and using good fats wisely will tighten that tummy and make the bad belly fat disappear.
Getting the right amount of fat in your diet is a great balancing act, due to the types of fat that are in certain foods.
Too much fat, and the risk of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and many other diseases goes up.
Too little fat and children don't grow and all humans aren't able to absorb and use vitamins that smooth the skin and bolster the immune system.
Because you're body doesn't need saturated fats, cholesterol or Trans fats from food, it is advised to keep these totals as low as possible.
This is why it is very important for people to understand the difference between these bad fats and the good fats that your body needs to thrive.
Saturated, Cholesterol and Trans Fat are killers to the body.
Not only do they produce this unwanted belly and thigh "fat", but they can also be deadly.
Many people stay away from nuts such as almonds and walnuts due to their high amount of fat content.
This monounsaturated fat found in nuts is essential for the body and is shown to reduce LDL cholesterol levels, while raising HDL levels.
This type of fat is great for the heart and has been shown to be a crucial part of a heart healthy diet.
The key when eating these types of fats is portion size and control.
More is not necessarily better when using nuts in the diet due to high calories.
Adding about 1.
5 ounces as a daily snack is part of adding "good fat" to your diet.
Experts recommend no more then 20-45% of daily calories from fat.
On a 2,000 calorie daily diet, that is 400-900 calories from fats a day.
If one is using lots of saturated fat, it is absolutely necessary to keep the fat range a lot closer to 20% then to 45%.
A diet higher in "good fats" can get near the 45% amount without the added health issues that may come along with the high fat intake.
Understanding that fat does not equal the "fat" on ones belly or thighs are crucial in planning your diet.
The low fat diet craze of past years, was often filled with high sugary "low-fat" items, which in turn produced a lot of belly and thigh excess fat.
Understanding and using good fats wisely will tighten that tummy and make the bad belly fat disappear.