Ever Wondered Why She Immediately Says Its Not Your Fault When You Ejaculate Too Quickly?
However, as much as the condition is rampant among men, it is a rarely talked about condition.
It is however good news to note that this is a situation that can be done with permanently.
Some men have head-on dealt with this problem and gained back their confidence.
Many men do not want to come out and openly accept that they have a health problem that need some help.
Many men see it fit to shut in silence as they suffer and hence do not get help.
Suffering in silence does not help the men at all though many see as though coming out in the open and asking for help would be degrading to them.
Not only do men who suffer from premature ejaculation live unhappily, they also have low self esteem.
They feel as if they are not men enough; some of the men are so frustrated that they end up depressed.
The only way to solve this problem is by getting a cure that will take away this condition permanently.
With the development in communication there is ease of reaching resourceful information.
Some of the men suffering from premature ejaculation can now go on the internet and read more on the techniques to use so as to curb their problem.
On the internet, men can post their experiences and how they have been able to solve this biting problem and remain anonymous.
The techniques and remedies the men post on the blogs and website are not proven scientifically.
This gives these men some morale to go on and try what their fellow men did and permanently solved the problem.
There are a few techniques that can be used to lessen this problem.
However, before getting fully involved with anything substantial, it is good for the men to understand their bodies and how they function.
It is also good to try out a number of remedies at the same time, these remedies being basically natural ones.
- Relax-men who are stressed out cannot function naturally.
So before getting sexually involved it is advisable to have a relaxed body and mind.
- Desensitizing-This should be done by trying to slow down stimulation.
If a man is too sensitive, then stimulation should be done slowly.
- Knowing how your body reacts at each level of arousal will help control ejaculation.
If you can recognize when you are just about to ejaculate and control yourself, then that will be of help to you.
- When the muscles around the penis are loose, chances are that a man cannot control an ejaculation.
So it is wise to strengthen the muscles and this can be done by exercising the muscles around the penis.
Premature ejaculation is a condition that can be permanently overcome so that a man lives a normal sex-life.
You do not have to suffer from the embarrassment and humiliation that occurs after a lengthy lead up to a sexual encounter that finishes all too soon.
However, if you leave it untreated it can lead to quite a few problems that we could do without.
One of these is that your self-confidence starts to suffer, which is really bad if you're single as it makes it very hard to even approach women.
Or worse, you tend to back-off when she suggests you should start to get physical which causes total confusion and can even result in her moving on.
If you're with a partner, not being able to last long enough can cause a rift between you and her as it is sometimes taken as a lack of affection.
Commonly, the first thing a woman says to a man who ejaculates to soon is, 'it's not your fault', and 'it happens to loads of guys'.
Let's look at these statements and why she says them to see why you must fix this before things get worse.
She is already thinking about whose fault is it that she is not satisfied.
She blames you but doesn't want to hurt your feelings, which is why she follows up with the 'other guys' statement.
Don't be like the other guys in her mind and step up, be a man and fix this before it's too late.