Web Traffic Generator - This Traffic Generator Will Bring Your Server To It" s Knees
I think one of the biggest hurdles faced by any internet marketer is finding a good traffic generator. Without traffic, your sales and lead production will be almost non-existent.
We all know about the good old standbys like article marketing, blog commenting, forum signatures, and organic search engine traffic. But how many of us think outside the box?
What if there was a traffic generator that could potentially bring you even more traffic than the most popular search engines? You'll be very surprised to know that there is, and I'm about to tell you all about it!
Are you ready for the most devastating traffic generation strategy you've ever heard of? Great, because I'm just dying to tell you!
Let me warn you, it does require a little work, and some writing ability. If you aren't a great writer, that's not a problem. The work can always be outsourced.
Insane Traffic Generator Strategy
1. Pick a niche related to the website you want to send traffic to. This strategy can be used to send traffic to affiliate links, websites, blogs, and most importantly - squeeze pages.
2. Create a short report with some killer content about your niche. The report doesn't have to be very long. Ten to fifteen pages will do nicely. Embed all of your affiliate and website links throughout the report. If you are using the report to drive traffic to a squeeze page, create a small bonus area at the bottom of the report and advertise your freebie that you are offering in exchange for opt-ins.
3. Get some simple plain squeeze page templates. They're readily available. Customize them with information about your product. You are going to include them with your product.
4. Design an ecover for your product. If you don't know how to do this, you can use a freelancing site and have it done for as little as $5. Once your ecover is complete, resize it into 3 different sizes. These will be included with your report and squeeze page as well.
5. Once you have finished creating your report, squeeze page, and ecovers, you'll need to write up a resell rights license. This license will alert others as to what they can and can't do with your product. I always stress that I want the reader to give away the product and use it to build their own email marketing lists.
6. Now comes the fun part. Do a search and make a list of at least 25 Master Resell Rights membership sites. Email all of the site owners and give them your completed product and allow them to give it away to their members.
7. Repeat step 6, but this time make a list of all of the free ebook websites that you can find and give your ebook to them with full giveaway rights.
8. Make a simple download page to give away your product and set it up on your web server. Take the link for your download page and put it in blog comments, forum signatures, and article resource boxes. The idea is to give away as many of your product as you possibly can. The more you give away, the more traffic you are going to get.
9. Advertise your free product in all of the most popular classified ad websites on the internet.
10. Repeat the process over and over!
Within 2-3 weeks after you start to give away your product, you will start to see traffic roll in. It will trickle in at first, then it will steadily gain momentum. What you have done is created a "viral" effect with your product. You've not only given it away to others, you've encouraged them to do the same.
This works, and it works well. I've used this formula over and over to build huge opt-in email lists, sometimes getting as many as 1000 leads in a single month! This is easily one of the best traffic generators ever, and it doesn't require any help from the search engines!
We all know about the good old standbys like article marketing, blog commenting, forum signatures, and organic search engine traffic. But how many of us think outside the box?
What if there was a traffic generator that could potentially bring you even more traffic than the most popular search engines? You'll be very surprised to know that there is, and I'm about to tell you all about it!
Are you ready for the most devastating traffic generation strategy you've ever heard of? Great, because I'm just dying to tell you!
Let me warn you, it does require a little work, and some writing ability. If you aren't a great writer, that's not a problem. The work can always be outsourced.
Insane Traffic Generator Strategy
1. Pick a niche related to the website you want to send traffic to. This strategy can be used to send traffic to affiliate links, websites, blogs, and most importantly - squeeze pages.
2. Create a short report with some killer content about your niche. The report doesn't have to be very long. Ten to fifteen pages will do nicely. Embed all of your affiliate and website links throughout the report. If you are using the report to drive traffic to a squeeze page, create a small bonus area at the bottom of the report and advertise your freebie that you are offering in exchange for opt-ins.
3. Get some simple plain squeeze page templates. They're readily available. Customize them with information about your product. You are going to include them with your product.
4. Design an ecover for your product. If you don't know how to do this, you can use a freelancing site and have it done for as little as $5. Once your ecover is complete, resize it into 3 different sizes. These will be included with your report and squeeze page as well.
5. Once you have finished creating your report, squeeze page, and ecovers, you'll need to write up a resell rights license. This license will alert others as to what they can and can't do with your product. I always stress that I want the reader to give away the product and use it to build their own email marketing lists.
6. Now comes the fun part. Do a search and make a list of at least 25 Master Resell Rights membership sites. Email all of the site owners and give them your completed product and allow them to give it away to their members.
7. Repeat step 6, but this time make a list of all of the free ebook websites that you can find and give your ebook to them with full giveaway rights.
8. Make a simple download page to give away your product and set it up on your web server. Take the link for your download page and put it in blog comments, forum signatures, and article resource boxes. The idea is to give away as many of your product as you possibly can. The more you give away, the more traffic you are going to get.
9. Advertise your free product in all of the most popular classified ad websites on the internet.
10. Repeat the process over and over!
Within 2-3 weeks after you start to give away your product, you will start to see traffic roll in. It will trickle in at first, then it will steadily gain momentum. What you have done is created a "viral" effect with your product. You've not only given it away to others, you've encouraged them to do the same.
This works, and it works well. I've used this formula over and over to build huge opt-in email lists, sometimes getting as many as 1000 leads in a single month! This is easily one of the best traffic generators ever, and it doesn't require any help from the search engines!