It"s Easy to Make Your Desktop PC Wireless by Doing This
Don't despair! You can easily add a wireless adapter (antenna really) and have a wire free desktop too, you still have to plug it in of course.
Here are the three basic things you'll need: 1.
A wireless router already set up in your house, if you can use your wireless laptop to get online already, you're probably all set.
A wireless USB Adapter to plug into the desktop, as I mentioned, it's really just an antenna to pick up the wireless signal being broadcast by the router.
An empty USB port to plug the wireless adapter into There's also a few other things I should mention, when shopping for a USB adapter, make sure it's compatible with your computers operating system, and double check the version you're getting, sometimes it's easy to grab the wrong version, and then have it not work with your operating system.
Read the side of the box or requirement compatibility description first.
Also I would recommend going with the faster protocol at the moment, which is "N", even if your router is a "G" or "B", it will be backwards compatible and should work fine.
Then if you ever do upgrade your router, you'll already be set.
Any electronics store like Best-buy, Target, and Staples should have them in stock or you can order them on line at Amazon.
Installing it should be fairly easy.
Almost all of them come with a CD and wizard to walk you through the set-up.
I love those magical wizards.