World of Warcraft Gold Farmers and How to Deal With Them.
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Ah, gold farmers. They are to most World of Warcraft players a bane of their existence. From the random fishy emails sent from 'Blizzard ', to spamming tells and say chats, to even their seemingly wasteful method of spamming corpses of level one alts spelling out their sites, spammers seem to be determined to get at the Warcraft player base.
All try to coax the play in spending real currency on virtual gold. A seemingly good trade off if you have money to burn and less time to spare in farming gold. Blizzard starting halfway into the Burning Crusade introduced daily quests (and later money sinks in the form of expensive vanity items) and even upped gold earned from quests.
Even now if you quest on a capped out character you gain gold instead of the wasted experience. Gold is in honest insanely easy to earn now. But the market is still there. This encourages gold farmers/sellers to keep at what they are doing - as if there was no demand, why would they bother?
Now to the average player, whether or not your 'guildie' or friend buying gold isn't the issue as much as the constant spamming and presence of them, breaking the immersion of a full on virtual world. Some choose to grit their teeth and ignore them. But some wish to slow down their presence. Here are some tips you can try if you decide to go on a gold seller rampage.
Were you in a raid or a group in an instance, or just hanging around town talking when suddenly out of nowhere a wall of broken, almost robotic English fills your chat window?
Then you were hit with a spam message. Aside from being annoying, these tells can be highly distracting as they cover up group text and make you look simply because you thought a person you knew was asking something.
The upside to this is that because they sent a tell directly, they are now eligible for the report spam function. Right clicking on the person's name will show a list of options; one option is to 'report for spam'. The option to just ignore the user is there as well, but that option is more useful for players that you may have the misfortune of encountering again.
Making separate tabs for your say and tell boxes (or downloading WoW Instant Messenger - WIM) to filter out tells and messages from guild, friends list, or trade chat can be very helpful. Right clicking on the chat tab will open up options to make separate widows and layer them together with new tabs. This makes it so tells (especially the lengthy tells they tend to send from level 1 alts) wont overwhelm important things like a group warning you that you are sitting in fire!
This also works on bots too. Gold farmers and lazy players break the ToS when they decide to use a third party program that automates their activities to the point they are not touching the keyboard. Farmers used to be obvious their avatars running around in glitchy circuits killing mobs or farming nodes. After surrounding players realized this, players would kite enemy mobs around then to have them die, or if on a PvP server kill them for free honor.
Farmers have gotten smarter by having their characters hack underneath the visible world, tapping nodes while on the world proper players would land to a node only to see it's gone. There's a method to fix this. If the area you are in is not so populated you can do a /who of the area. Then going down the list do a /target of the names. If you land on a character frame that flickers as soon as you pull it up you may indeed have your bot. /report to help them to a ban.
Some sellers using bots launch an army into major cities to advertise their wares. If you have time, sitting on top of them to mess up their work does wonders. Also reporting a few of them will make their work null. Rarely do they reply to such tactics; though if they do,
A simple rule, but it's obvious not the whole player base heeds it. Gold sellers not only farm in ways against the ToS (Terms of Service) and annoy many, they also are linked to hackers. People who are tricked into giving up their account info are targets to having their gear and gold stripped of them. And where does all their stolen loot go? To the gold sellers to resell. Buying gold encourages such practice.
Ah, gold farmers. They are to most World of Warcraft players a bane of their existence. From the random fishy emails sent from 'Blizzard ', to spamming tells and say chats, to even their seemingly wasteful method of spamming corpses of level one alts spelling out their sites, spammers seem to be determined to get at the Warcraft player base.
All try to coax the play in spending real currency on virtual gold. A seemingly good trade off if you have money to burn and less time to spare in farming gold. Blizzard starting halfway into the Burning Crusade introduced daily quests (and later money sinks in the form of expensive vanity items) and even upped gold earned from quests.
Even now if you quest on a capped out character you gain gold instead of the wasted experience. Gold is in honest insanely easy to earn now. But the market is still there. This encourages gold farmers/sellers to keep at what they are doing - as if there was no demand, why would they bother?
Now to the average player, whether or not your 'guildie' or friend buying gold isn't the issue as much as the constant spamming and presence of them, breaking the immersion of a full on virtual world. Some choose to grit their teeth and ignore them. But some wish to slow down their presence. Here are some tips you can try if you decide to go on a gold seller rampage.
Report Spam
Were you in a raid or a group in an instance, or just hanging around town talking when suddenly out of nowhere a wall of broken, almost robotic English fills your chat window?
Then you were hit with a spam message. Aside from being annoying, these tells can be highly distracting as they cover up group text and make you look simply because you thought a person you knew was asking something.
The upside to this is that because they sent a tell directly, they are now eligible for the report spam function. Right clicking on the person's name will show a list of options; one option is to 'report for spam'. The option to just ignore the user is there as well, but that option is more useful for players that you may have the misfortune of encountering again.
Making separate tabs for your say and tell boxes (or downloading WoW Instant Messenger - WIM) to filter out tells and messages from guild, friends list, or trade chat can be very helpful. Right clicking on the chat tab will open up options to make separate widows and layer them together with new tabs. This makes it so tells (especially the lengthy tells they tend to send from level 1 alts) wont overwhelm important things like a group warning you that you are sitting in fire!
This also works on bots too. Gold farmers and lazy players break the ToS when they decide to use a third party program that automates their activities to the point they are not touching the keyboard. Farmers used to be obvious their avatars running around in glitchy circuits killing mobs or farming nodes. After surrounding players realized this, players would kite enemy mobs around then to have them die, or if on a PvP server kill them for free honor.
Farmers have gotten smarter by having their characters hack underneath the visible world, tapping nodes while on the world proper players would land to a node only to see it's gone. There's a method to fix this. If the area you are in is not so populated you can do a /who of the area. Then going down the list do a /target of the names. If you land on a character frame that flickers as soon as you pull it up you may indeed have your bot. /report to help them to a ban.
Mess-up Their Body Displays
Some sellers using bots launch an army into major cities to advertise their wares. If you have time, sitting on top of them to mess up their work does wonders. Also reporting a few of them will make their work null. Rarely do they reply to such tactics; though if they do,
Don't Buy Gold!
A simple rule, but it's obvious not the whole player base heeds it. Gold sellers not only farm in ways against the ToS (Terms of Service) and annoy many, they also are linked to hackers. People who are tricked into giving up their account info are targets to having their gear and gold stripped of them. And where does all their stolen loot go? To the gold sellers to resell. Buying gold encourages such practice.