How to Remove Hardened Caulk From Around a Bathroom Sink
- 1). Soften the hardened caulk. This can be done in one of two ways. The first is to use a heat gun on the lowest setting directly on the caulk. Continually move the heat gun over the caulk until it softens. The second way is to apply a chemical caulk remover. The instructions on the remover will state how long it needs to set.
- 2). Cut away the softened caulk with a utility knife. Make sure there is a new blade in the knife.
- 3). Pull the caulk out of the joint with needle-nose pliers. If there are multiple layers of caulk, repeat these steps.
- 4). Scrape out any remaining pieces of caulk with a painter's five-in-one tool--this tool has a blade that functions as a paint scraper, putty remover and spreader, gouger, and paint-roller cleaner. Use the hook end to scrape away caulk.
- 5). Vacuum the joint to remove any small pieces of caulk you missed.
- 6). Clean the joint. Remove soap scum with a bathroom cleaning product. Do not use anything with ammonia.
- 7). Kill any mold and mildew with a mixture of 1 gallon water mixed with one-third cup bleach. Dip a foam brush into the mix and apply it inside the joint. Scrub the surface with a toothbrush.
- 8). Rinse the joint thoroughly with clean, hot water and let it dry completely.