How to Lose That Stubborn Belly Fat!
Lose Stubborn Belly Fat This is a very interesting topic because almost everyone wants to lose some excess fat on their body somewhere.
For most of them, they're looking to lose belly fat and they want to lose it right away! Whether you want to agree with me or not, most of us procrastinate by overeating then trying to lose that belly fat after it has accumulated over time.
Sadly, if you're trying to learn how to lose belly fat, it's not going to be easy and it doesn't take over night.
The problem most people encounter is that they underestimate how difficult it can be to lose that belly fat off their body.
Belly fat is probably one of the difficult areas to successfully remove because it's composed of what is known as 'stubborn' fat.
You're body is in fact physiologically different when it comes to fat around the abdominal region.
Why is this? Mainly, it's the first location we tend to stock up fat and where body fat is needed for protection the most - to protect those internal organs.
As a result, your stomach is going to hold on to that belly fat and this is not a good thing for your goal to lose that belly fat.
So in order to trick your body, you need to work really hard.
That's not to say it's impossible to do because nothing is impossible.
You just need to be realistic about the time period you will need to accomplish this goal and how much work you'll have to put in.
The first thing we will be discussing is about the workouts to lose belly fat.
First, hit the weights.
When lifting weights, be sure that you are only lifting as heavy as you possibly can because you will ramp up your metabolism when doing so.
You will need to do 6-10 reps to get the full metabolic effects.
The second thing we need to do is to work on our cardio.
Don't do cardio for hours but put emphasis on doing it in spurts.
It is better to do it in spurts then you can do a steady state cardio afterwards.
This will allow your body to release fatty acids from the tissue and then burn them off during the steady state cardio.
This sort of cardio is very effective at getting that fat off your body than doing the regular cardio session.
The last thing we need to do is the talk about the proper diet to get rid of that belly fat.
Don't use a diet that consists of high fat or high carbohydrate because this will slow down your progress.
Use high protein diet because this will help your body burn more calories than just absorbing it.
Make sure not to take it too far.
Don't exceed 1.
5 gram per pound of body weight but you can keep it around that level.
Don't forget to fill the remainder of your calories with carbohydrates during workout period and fat during non-workout period.
Don't give up because if you are very persistent you will one day have those six pack abs.
Remember that nothing is impossible to those who believe!
For most of them, they're looking to lose belly fat and they want to lose it right away! Whether you want to agree with me or not, most of us procrastinate by overeating then trying to lose that belly fat after it has accumulated over time.
Sadly, if you're trying to learn how to lose belly fat, it's not going to be easy and it doesn't take over night.
The problem most people encounter is that they underestimate how difficult it can be to lose that belly fat off their body.
Belly fat is probably one of the difficult areas to successfully remove because it's composed of what is known as 'stubborn' fat.
You're body is in fact physiologically different when it comes to fat around the abdominal region.
Why is this? Mainly, it's the first location we tend to stock up fat and where body fat is needed for protection the most - to protect those internal organs.
As a result, your stomach is going to hold on to that belly fat and this is not a good thing for your goal to lose that belly fat.
So in order to trick your body, you need to work really hard.
That's not to say it's impossible to do because nothing is impossible.
You just need to be realistic about the time period you will need to accomplish this goal and how much work you'll have to put in.
The first thing we will be discussing is about the workouts to lose belly fat.
First, hit the weights.
When lifting weights, be sure that you are only lifting as heavy as you possibly can because you will ramp up your metabolism when doing so.
You will need to do 6-10 reps to get the full metabolic effects.
The second thing we need to do is to work on our cardio.
Don't do cardio for hours but put emphasis on doing it in spurts.
It is better to do it in spurts then you can do a steady state cardio afterwards.
This will allow your body to release fatty acids from the tissue and then burn them off during the steady state cardio.
This sort of cardio is very effective at getting that fat off your body than doing the regular cardio session.
The last thing we need to do is the talk about the proper diet to get rid of that belly fat.
Don't use a diet that consists of high fat or high carbohydrate because this will slow down your progress.
Use high protein diet because this will help your body burn more calories than just absorbing it.
Make sure not to take it too far.
Don't exceed 1.
5 gram per pound of body weight but you can keep it around that level.
Don't forget to fill the remainder of your calories with carbohydrates during workout period and fat during non-workout period.
Don't give up because if you are very persistent you will one day have those six pack abs.
Remember that nothing is impossible to those who believe!