The Best Diets to Lose Belly Fat
So what are the best diets to lose belly fat? Well I would recommend avoiding any kind of celebrity plan or any kind of big-name plan that you see at the bookstore or on TV.
Many of these diets do not focus on what the real problem is.
The real problem is your emotional connection to the current foods that you eat.
If you eat a lot of food that has a lot of sugar salt and fat in it then you're going to need to change that diet.
This is an emotional problem because you eat this food for comfort and for security.
I know the feeling because I used to have a really stressful job and I would eat a chocolate muffin every day for comfort.
The problem with really sugary foods and salty, fatty foods, is that they make you want to eat more sugar, salt, and fat.
And so you can see why it's really easy to eat a lot more food than your body really needs.
One way you can start avoiding all the stat food, is changing some of your patterns.
So drive a different way to work so you don't see the same restaurants and get the same emotional triggers for fast food.
Or go to a different grocery store so you won't think of the same files you won't know where all the junk that is.
I don't recommend diets such as South Beach Diet or Atkins diet to lose belly fat because I don't believe that they face the real problems head-on.
What you need to do is get the motivation for why you want to lose weight.
For example if you want to lose weight to fit into those tiny pants that you'd like to wear, then you need to focus a lot more on that then you focus on the emotional comfort foods that you eat.
Many of these diets do not focus on what the real problem is.
The real problem is your emotional connection to the current foods that you eat.
If you eat a lot of food that has a lot of sugar salt and fat in it then you're going to need to change that diet.
This is an emotional problem because you eat this food for comfort and for security.
I know the feeling because I used to have a really stressful job and I would eat a chocolate muffin every day for comfort.
The problem with really sugary foods and salty, fatty foods, is that they make you want to eat more sugar, salt, and fat.
And so you can see why it's really easy to eat a lot more food than your body really needs.
One way you can start avoiding all the stat food, is changing some of your patterns.
So drive a different way to work so you don't see the same restaurants and get the same emotional triggers for fast food.
Or go to a different grocery store so you won't think of the same files you won't know where all the junk that is.
I don't recommend diets such as South Beach Diet or Atkins diet to lose belly fat because I don't believe that they face the real problems head-on.
What you need to do is get the motivation for why you want to lose weight.
For example if you want to lose weight to fit into those tiny pants that you'd like to wear, then you need to focus a lot more on that then you focus on the emotional comfort foods that you eat.