The True Explanation of General Astrology and Western Astrology

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Astrology is one of the oldest mystical divinations known to man, and it remains one of the most accurate and authentic of all.
It is part science, part art and within it lays the secret to one's true purpose.
It is humanity's most enduring psychological tool, defining personality and delineating the shifting cycles of individual lives.
Astrology is a pseudo-science interpreting the supposed effect of the heavenly bodies on human existence.
In early history the two are closely linked.
It is part of the Vedic literature and has been preserved and handed down in the guru-parampara, the chain of apostolic succession since time immemorial.
Vedic astrology is the original form of astrology that existed thousands of years ago in what is now known as the Indian subcontinent.
Other people have a great believe that astrology is a belief system.
The belief is that the positions of the sun, moon and planets against the starry background influences peoples' personalities and shapes their lives.
While others believe that is not some silly old thing, a superstition or pseudo-science, but a real science of human experience.
Its symbols leave room for the vagaries of human behavior, that which can never be reduced to simple and absolute formulae.
The topic of astrology is often controversial, with a great many followers and believers but also many skeptics.
There is also a strong believe that it is an art that is based on the foretelling of a person's future or gaining information on a person's personality through examination of stars, the sun, the moon, planets, comets and other bodies associated with astronomy.
On the other hand astrology is magical thinking, which has given us creationism and most forms of alternative medicine.
It's at odds with scientific reasoning and it puts the practitioner squarely in opposition to the tradition of the enlightenment.
It is the basis for a total examination of our life on all levels, inner and outer, and is based on the former positions of stars (as they were 3,000 years ago in Babylonian times).
And each year, the error in dating the zodiac signs grows greater.
A Look at Western Astrology Western astrology tries to help a person through personality modifications based on modern psychology.
It seems to have originated in Mesopotamia, and all of the cultures of ancient Iraq and Iran contributed to its creation.
Among the earliest records of astrology are the cuneiform tablets from the library of King Ashurbanipal of Assyria (669-626B.
Western astrology is based on the 12 signs of the zodiac; Chinese astrology is based on a 60-year cycle and lunar calendar.
It follows the cycles of the sun related to the seasons, and the Tibeto-Indian system follows the cycles of the sun related to the stars, and there is a small difference between these two.
Over the centuries, a difference of almost a complete sign has accumulated.
Astrology is the study of cycles, for example the yearly cycle of the earth around the sun, the 28 day cycle of the moon around the earth, and the 24 hour cycle of the rotation.
It is the art and science of the cycles of life.
They begin at our first breath, and continue until our last.
It maybe complex, but perhaps too complex for you to get your brain around and the can be best understood by learning how it began.
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