Get a Bigger Penis and Be the Sexual Partner Every Woman Dreams Of - Try This Stunning Technique!
However if we look a little closer to home, many men would want to get a bigger penis in order to satisfy a woman.
If you do have a small penis, no doubt either you or someone else has used the saying "size doesn't matter".
But who are we kidding? You and me both know size matters a lot! The funny thing is the majority of us guys believe having a long 9 or 10 inch penis is what we should be aiming for, but we couldn't be further from the truth.
If you want to be a master in the bedroom, yes technique has a lot to do with it, but a penis that long may not actually be helpful.
Having such a long penis can often be painful and cause a lot of discomfort for a woman, especially if she is not properly aroused.
Additionally having a longer penis will not help you stimulate the most sensitive areas of her vagina.
In order to really satisfy your partner a thicker penis is what you need.
The entrance to the vagina and the vaginal walls are highly sensitive and are the most essential areas for sexual arousal.
Therefore the thicker your penis is, the more likely you are to "reach" these sensitive areas.
So if you really want to make your penis bigger and be the best sexual partner any woman has had, you need to concentrate on girth.
Potentially the best way to make your penis bigger is through exercise.
There are exercises that concentrate on making your penis longer, while others are for adding girth.
There are even certain exercises that can vastly improve your stamina and staying power.
Here is one exercise you can perform to give you a thicker penis and improve the strength and stamina of your erections.
The towel hang - Work your way to a full erection and then sit down.
Place a small towel over your erect penis.
Then contract your PC muscle to literally lift the the towel and bring it closer to you.
You can contract the PC muscle by squeezing the pubic muscle you use to stop yourself from urinating.
Hold the squeeze at the top for 10-15 seconds and then relax.
A session of towel hangs can involve 50-100 repetitions.
To make the exercise harder as your strength improves, simply wet the towel or use a larger one.
This exercise alone practiced for a few weeks will make your penis bigger and thicker.
It will also train the PC muscle and thus allow to last longer in bed.
However i would always suggest that you use a combination of other exercises as well such as the jelq and stretches to get a more thorough workout.