What Is Meant By Mind Over Matter?

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You must have heard your parents using the phrase 'mind over matter' during some childhood toothache or stomachache that you had. In that case your mother was perhaps trying to lessen your pain by asking you to focus away from it. Nevertheless, be it concentrating to bear with pain or actual paranormal activities such as moving matter with the power of your mind, human mind power is known to be one of the most vital of forces that can achieve any miracle.

The extreme situation where mind has complete control over an external physical matter and can influence it and physically move it, is known as psychokinesis. Considered as a rare psychic ability, this involves moving tables, chairs or other objects just by the sheer power of your thoughts.

The word psychokinesis is often used synonymously with that of Telekinesis especially in case of movies and informal discussions on such topics. The latter word was originated to denote the physical movements of objects due to spirits and ghosts. Later on, during the 19th century, when a lot if studies were undertaken and the involvement of human mind in this phenomenon were realized, 'psychokinesis' term was coined.

Micro psychokinesis and macro psychokinesis are two ways of measurement of this extreme mind over matter phenomenon. While the former refers to very small atomic level changes in matter only perceptible through scientific equipments, the latter involves physical movement of large objects which can be seen with the naked eye.

Apart from the paranormal aspect of mind over matter, this concept also has its share of significance in philosophical or spiritual doctrines concerned with personal growth. In this regard, mention may be made of the topic of responsibility assumption where it is entirely focused around the issue of mind over matter.

Responsibility assumption says that you yourself are responsible for your own fate. An important part of personal growth studies, it proclaims that your life and what it come out to be is what your mind power has resulted in. The law of attraction and other beliefs such as 'affirmations' are other techniques which travels towards the same goal of exercising the concept of mind over matter.

The law of attraction states that if your mind focuses its attention on an object of desire and truly believes that it will come true with constant visualization of the final achieved state along with constant affirmation to the subconscious mind, then your mind power will affect the cosmos and ultimately result in the manifestation of the object of your want in reality.

It can be concluded that the power of mind is a vital force and if harnessed properly or unleashed altogether, it can influence and control any matter, be it tangible or intangible. Thus once you concentrate, connect your energy with that of the cosmos, make continuous affirmations in your mind's eye, charge up your future vision with your own emotions, you will realize the power of your mind over matter.

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