So You Are A Victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You Do Not Have To Be- Find Out!
Severe anxiety disorder, you would not believe how many times a week I hear about someone who has this condition.There are so many NEW victims to this disorder it is actually terrifying. The thing that bothers me so much is this is not a terminal illness, or something you have to just put up with. PEOPLE, this condition is VERY treatable, and can learn how to get relief from an attack almost immediately.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
Firstly, before we go any further I want you to understand 1 thing, I was once a victim to severe anxiety disorder for a very long time, so you do have my empathy. I believed I inherited this condition and there was not a dam thing I could do about it. I had to try and lived my life around it, well to tell you the truth I existed, I did not really have a life.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
This condition prevented me from socializing, having an attack was way to much to deal with. So my only solution was isolation. I was barely 17 years old when my world fell apart, those years should have been the best years of my life, so DO NOT think that age has anything to do with this,severe anxiety disorder will take any prisoner at any age.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out
The very first episode you experience is a terrifying ordeal. You never seem to get past that day, this is for 2 reasons. 1 you have no idea what triggered the episode, and 2 your initial thoughts are usually "I'm having a heart attack". The seed gets planted, and then every day you constantly find your self thinking about a recurrence of the situation. Your mind will not allow you to move past this.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
So subconscious we bring this whole illness on ourselves, and this is because we have no idea how to deal with it, or first and foremost switch it off.
Do you do this:
{ God I hope I can get through today with out having an attack, what if I have one whilst I'm out.} Straight away you just gave your brain full permission to take control, and delegate how you were going to feel.YOU turned on the fear switch.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
OK rule number 1 STOP going over, and over this in your mind, let it go 'the horse has bolted and it is to late to shut the gate. So now focus on trying to catch him, in our case find a solution to the problem. How you are going to treat severe anxiety disorder.
Retraining you mind to react differently to severe anxiety disorder is all it takes to treat this condition.
Every morning plan your life with you, and your new friend severe anxiety disorder. Accept him in your life, you can not be afraid of your friends, right?
When you prearrange a visit from someone / something, you can not be surprised, your expecting them.
Now that you have become friends with severe anxiety disorder, you then have the power to call the shots. You decide, when ,and how long you allow anxious thoughts to visit.
Then lastly, and most importantly tell it to leave, but before you do, you MUST let severe anxiety disorder know you are not afraid of its threats anymore.
Now can you see where we are going with this, you are letting the panic attack know you are the one in control, NOT IT.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
Firstly, before we go any further I want you to understand 1 thing, I was once a victim to severe anxiety disorder for a very long time, so you do have my empathy. I believed I inherited this condition and there was not a dam thing I could do about it. I had to try and lived my life around it, well to tell you the truth I existed, I did not really have a life.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
This condition prevented me from socializing, having an attack was way to much to deal with. So my only solution was isolation. I was barely 17 years old when my world fell apart, those years should have been the best years of my life, so DO NOT think that age has anything to do with this,severe anxiety disorder will take any prisoner at any age.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out
The very first episode you experience is a terrifying ordeal. You never seem to get past that day, this is for 2 reasons. 1 you have no idea what triggered the episode, and 2 your initial thoughts are usually "I'm having a heart attack". The seed gets planted, and then every day you constantly find your self thinking about a recurrence of the situation. Your mind will not allow you to move past this.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
So subconscious we bring this whole illness on ourselves, and this is because we have no idea how to deal with it, or first and foremost switch it off.
Do you do this:
{ God I hope I can get through today with out having an attack, what if I have one whilst I'm out.} Straight away you just gave your brain full permission to take control, and delegate how you were going to feel.YOU turned on the fear switch.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!
OK rule number 1 STOP going over, and over this in your mind, let it go 'the horse has bolted and it is to late to shut the gate. So now focus on trying to catch him, in our case find a solution to the problem. How you are going to treat severe anxiety disorder.
Retraining you mind to react differently to severe anxiety disorder is all it takes to treat this condition.
Every morning plan your life with you, and your new friend severe anxiety disorder. Accept him in your life, you can not be afraid of your friends, right?
When you prearrange a visit from someone / something, you can not be surprised, your expecting them.
Now that you have become friends with severe anxiety disorder, you then have the power to call the shots. You decide, when ,and how long you allow anxious thoughts to visit.
Then lastly, and most importantly tell it to leave, but before you do, you MUST let severe anxiety disorder know you are not afraid of its threats anymore.
Now can you see where we are going with this, you are letting the panic attack know you are the one in control, NOT IT.
So You Are A victim To Severe Anxiety Disorder, You DO NOT Have To Be- Find Out!