Urinary Incontinence: Facts Versus Fiction
For example, many people are under the mistaken impression that incontinence is inevitable with aging.
As a result, many elderly people won't even bother bringing up this issue with their doctor.
This problem is too embarrassing for them, they falsely believe that this condition is inevitable and unavoidably anyway, and therefore they believe that it is pointless to seek medical help.
The flaw in this reasoning is that it is based on lack of proper information the subject of urinary incontinence.
The reality is that the sooner you seek medical attention for your problem, the sooner your doctor will be able to help you address the problem.
The good news is that the vast majority of incontinence problems are curable, and that all forms of incontinence can be easily managed.
More often than not, relief from urinary incontinence doesn't even require medical intervention and can be resolved on your own, just by making a few very simple changes to your lifestyle.
For example, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine, can all potentially irritate your bladder, being that bladder irritation is a leading precursor to urinary incontinence.
Therefore, relief from urinary incontinence could be a matter of quite simply making some adjustments to your dietary habits.
Other common causes of incontinence include smoking as well as being overweight.
Both of these factors are within your control.
So by quitting smoking and by losing weight, you might be able to cure your incontinence once and for all, the natural way.
In fact, the corollary to this is that living a healthy lifestyle is key to maintaining good urinary tract health.
Yet another very common misconception about urinary incontinence is that it only affects women.
While it is statistically true that women are more likely than men to suffer from incontinence, there are a significant number of men in the world who suffer from incontinence.
Of course, due to biological differences, the underlying causes that lead to incontinence can be quite different between men and women, while the symptoms are equally debilitating, on an emotional,social, and physical level.
Women tend to suffer from incontinence as a result of the stress that pregnancy and childbirth place on the female body.
Men typically suffer from incontinence following prostate surgery.
While the causes may be different between men and women, the symptoms and the impact on their lives are equally problematic.