What Are Your Options If You Want A Bigger Penis? Some Methods Are Dangerous And Should Be Avoided!
So let's get started.
Firstly, having a small penis can be a real difficulty in life.
It can affect your sexual performance, not to mention your sexual confidence.
This can be enough to make you feel too insecure to even talk to woman - for fear they will reject you, or laugh at your smaller size.
This can make matters even worse, by bringing much insecurity into your relationship, whenever sex is concerned.
One method for enlarging your penis that doesn't work is using weights.
This can be very dangerous, but it hasn't stopped many people trying this method over the years.
Some of the side effects this can cause include: Stretch marks, decreased sensitivity, loss of sex drive, deformation, impotence, and much more.
If this isn't enough to put you off of this method, I don't know what is! There are also painful surgery options, which may work - but they are very expensive, and there is never even a guarantee that it will work to increase your penis size.
In fact, sometimes, after everything is healed, it can actually be smaller.
Or you can lose your sex drive for good.
There is also a very high failure rate to this kind of method.
So is there anything that works? The answer is yes.
There a few natural methods that you can use, discreetly, in the comfort of your own home - that can add a few inches to your size.
It requires dedication, but you can see results within a few months.
One such method is known as Jelqing.
The basic idea of this technique is to start by placing your forefinger a thumb around the base of your penis, and slide upwards repeatedly.
This encourages increased blood flow, and can make your penis bigger if you use this method regularly.