Make Sure You Have All The Horse Hoof Care Supplies You Need To Keep Your Horse Happy
It is well known in equestrian circles that a horse with healthy hooves is a happy and healthy horse. Those who care for their horses are well aware of how important healthy hooves are so they are constantly on the lookout for products that promote horse hoof care. Horses are a specific type of mammal known as ungulates or hoofed animals that use the tips of their toes as they move and to support the weight of their bodies. Their hooves have a hard, thick covering that is strengthened by keratin, a fibrous structural protein.
Additionally, the hoof sole is softer than the outside yet somewhat hard and rubbery. The solid nail is formed by a hard wall and wraps around the tip of the horse's toe. These areas are impacted by the amount and type of horse hoof care that is provided and is a part of the horse's body that is prone to certain health conditions and injury. However, it is the hoof sole and its wall edges that bears the brunt of the animal's weight. So the proper attention to and the care of the hooves cannot be neglected.
Through constant moving, the horse's hooves are worn down despite the fact that they are growing continually throughout the life of the animal. When you stop and think about, horses weigh half a ton or more which is an incredible amount of weight to be supported by those four smaller body parts. Horses are objects of pleasure as well as excellent work animals, hence the necessity of maintaining proper horse hoof care. They are valued for their ability to carry humans and their strength.
Suffice it to say, a horse is rendered as useless when they have not had proper horse hoof care and have developed problems with their hooves. There are three elements involved in the proper care of a horse's hooves – cleaning, shoeing, and trimming. Cleaning is a priority and a critical hygiene element. It is important to clean their hooves especially before riding the horse and afterwards. Even when they are not ridden that often, pick grooming their hooves is necessary in order to prevent the onset of Thrush.
Shoeing is the second element of proper horse hoof care . If you want to have a better idea of how important shoeing your horse is, try to imagine doing hard manual labor without wearing any shoes. Just as shoes protect our feet from health issues and injuries, the same is true with horseshoes. There hooves still need to be shod despite the fact that their feet are extremely durable and naturally strong.
The final element involved in proper horse hoof care is trimming. Our finger and toenails are constantly growing and must be trimmed on a regular basis. The same is true with horses. In order to keep horse hooves in good shape, they must be trimmed at least every month or two depending on how they are boarded and what you use them for. Just remember that healthy hooves means a happy and healthy horse.
Additionally, the hoof sole is softer than the outside yet somewhat hard and rubbery. The solid nail is formed by a hard wall and wraps around the tip of the horse's toe. These areas are impacted by the amount and type of horse hoof care that is provided and is a part of the horse's body that is prone to certain health conditions and injury. However, it is the hoof sole and its wall edges that bears the brunt of the animal's weight. So the proper attention to and the care of the hooves cannot be neglected.
Through constant moving, the horse's hooves are worn down despite the fact that they are growing continually throughout the life of the animal. When you stop and think about, horses weigh half a ton or more which is an incredible amount of weight to be supported by those four smaller body parts. Horses are objects of pleasure as well as excellent work animals, hence the necessity of maintaining proper horse hoof care. They are valued for their ability to carry humans and their strength.
Suffice it to say, a horse is rendered as useless when they have not had proper horse hoof care and have developed problems with their hooves. There are three elements involved in the proper care of a horse's hooves – cleaning, shoeing, and trimming. Cleaning is a priority and a critical hygiene element. It is important to clean their hooves especially before riding the horse and afterwards. Even when they are not ridden that often, pick grooming their hooves is necessary in order to prevent the onset of Thrush.
Shoeing is the second element of proper horse hoof care . If you want to have a better idea of how important shoeing your horse is, try to imagine doing hard manual labor without wearing any shoes. Just as shoes protect our feet from health issues and injuries, the same is true with horseshoes. There hooves still need to be shod despite the fact that their feet are extremely durable and naturally strong.
The final element involved in proper horse hoof care is trimming. Our finger and toenails are constantly growing and must be trimmed on a regular basis. The same is true with horses. In order to keep horse hooves in good shape, they must be trimmed at least every month or two depending on how they are boarded and what you use them for. Just remember that healthy hooves means a happy and healthy horse.