Definition of Laparoscope
Updated October 15, 2014.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Board.
Definition: A laparoscope is a flexible tubular structure at the end of which is a camera that enables surgeons to get a more detailed, up-close view of anatomy. It is frequently used in urologic procedures for removal of stones in the bladder and kidney.
Pronunciation: lap-a-ro-scope
Also Known As: laparoscopy, minimally invasive
Common Misspellings: laparascope
Examples: The urologist used a laparoscope that went through the man's urethra so that he could see where the excess tissue was in an enlarged prostate.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See's Medical Review Board.
Definition: A laparoscope is a flexible tubular structure at the end of which is a camera that enables surgeons to get a more detailed, up-close view of anatomy. It is frequently used in urologic procedures for removal of stones in the bladder and kidney.
Pronunciation: lap-a-ro-scope
Also Known As: laparoscopy, minimally invasive
Common Misspellings: laparascope
Examples: The urologist used a laparoscope that went through the man's urethra so that he could see where the excess tissue was in an enlarged prostate.