When Good Credit Turns Bad
One of the most shattering events in life can be the reality of experiencing good personal credit totally deteriate to bad credit. Good credit can be likened to a badge of honor bestowed upon a well deserving citizen of a country who in turn wears it with the utmost dignity and pride. On the other hand, bad credit is the disgrace and shame a person must endure because their previous honor has been stripped and their former status in society nothing more than a distant memory. Such a transition occurs seemingly in an instant even though it may have subtly crept in over a period of extra leverages and a few negotiated extensions with a genuine hope of rising above the odds of failure.
In its pure form good credit is a status of favor and trust that an individual builds up over an extended period of time and in most cases over many years. This status of good credit can only be established through faithful business interaction resulting in a reward of well earned trust and respect being bestowed upon the relationship. Such a relationship seems to manifest its own sense of honor and pride that perpetuates itself in the regular course of a vibrant business relationship. Unlimited opportunities of success seem to be at the very doorstep of persons who are fortunate enough to be involved in the middle of such an extended favor.
Bad credit on the other hand is the deterioration of that good credit where the relationship between the parties becomes only an outward appearance of the former state of affairs. The previous bonds of trust and goodwill completely disappear from the relationship with the best outcome in most cases being only a whimper of hope for future interaction. With such loss follows the agony of shame and a sense of reproach where heads turn and voices whisper replacing the once familiar respectful awes and enviable glances. Those traveling down the unforgiving path of bad credit must carry the emotional luggage of regret and despair.
The realities of "good credit" turning to "bad credit" is an ongoing tragedy in the life of human beings which seems to test the very essence of life itself. Such transitions from "good credit" to "bad credit" seem to happen in an instant, even though it truly occurs over an extended period of time. It seems that all the respect and pride accumulated over the years of business transactions become almost meaningless. It is during such difficult times that the true character and innate abilities of resilient individuals come to the forefront and the survivors of such crises become heros and legends of their time.
In its pure form good credit is a status of favor and trust that an individual builds up over an extended period of time and in most cases over many years. This status of good credit can only be established through faithful business interaction resulting in a reward of well earned trust and respect being bestowed upon the relationship. Such a relationship seems to manifest its own sense of honor and pride that perpetuates itself in the regular course of a vibrant business relationship. Unlimited opportunities of success seem to be at the very doorstep of persons who are fortunate enough to be involved in the middle of such an extended favor.
Bad credit on the other hand is the deterioration of that good credit where the relationship between the parties becomes only an outward appearance of the former state of affairs. The previous bonds of trust and goodwill completely disappear from the relationship with the best outcome in most cases being only a whimper of hope for future interaction. With such loss follows the agony of shame and a sense of reproach where heads turn and voices whisper replacing the once familiar respectful awes and enviable glances. Those traveling down the unforgiving path of bad credit must carry the emotional luggage of regret and despair.
The realities of "good credit" turning to "bad credit" is an ongoing tragedy in the life of human beings which seems to test the very essence of life itself. Such transitions from "good credit" to "bad credit" seem to happen in an instant, even though it truly occurs over an extended period of time. It seems that all the respect and pride accumulated over the years of business transactions become almost meaningless. It is during such difficult times that the true character and innate abilities of resilient individuals come to the forefront and the survivors of such crises become heros and legends of their time.