How to Locate an EIN Tax ID
- 1). Locate the confirmation notice sent by the IRS for the EIN. When you apply for an EIN, the IRS provides a notice confirming receipt of the application and issuance of an EIN. The EIN can be found on this notice.
- 2). Contact the bank your business uses. The bank most likely has a record of the EIN that was used to initially open the bank account for your business. Other agencies that you have registered your business with will also have a record of the EIN.
- 3). Contact the IRS directly. The Business and Specialty Tax Line at the IRS can provide the EIN to you. In order to obtain the EIN by this method, you need to verify the information used to apply for the EIN.
- 1). Request the EIN ID from your employer. The payroll or accounting department should be able to provide you with the EIN.
- 2). Check your W-2 forms from previous years. If you were employed with the company long enough to receive a W-2 form, your employer's EIN is on the form.
- 3). Search for the EIN using the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system (EDGAR). EDGAR is an online database operated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Perform a search using the company's name. The EIN may be listed as the IRS No.
Employer Seeking EIN Tax ID
Employee Seeking EIN Tax ID