Obama"s First 100 Days
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on the other hand, she was at first the "Inevitable Candidate" and this no doubt, was something that was not to be disputed. However, in point of fact it was. From then on, it would appear as if she had shape-shifted only to become "Ready on Day One" In time, her brand would metamorphoses once more in order to cast her as the true guardian of the "Blue Collar Working Class American". Of course, there was more than a little confusion as to just who in her eyes these "Working Class Americans" actually were. Nevertheless, in the hills of Appalachia, from Georgia to Pennsylvania, there seemed to be absolutely no confusion whatsoever. They could easily read her every word in code if need be. She even went go so far as to try to insinuate that she was actually the one who had the --- well you know, and that Barack Obama had none at all. In the end, her schizophrenic run would not be complete until she became at last a true team player. Above all mind you, Democratic unity was of the utmost importance.
Senator Barrack Obama, well, his brand alone would remain steadfast; from the very beginning of the campaign to the very end. After eight years of Bush the Younger, and the pain and disillusionment of 911 and the war in Iraq, for many Americans it appeared as if the whole nature of what it actually means to be an American had all of a sudden been thrown roughly open to question. Then, in 2008, along came this political Golden Child from Chicago. He became quite simply the true embodiment of ‘Change'. This was his meaning to us. His brand never altered from that inherent principle; and his team eloquently maintained the neatly constructed stagecraft to back it up. As such, this must now become the goal of the President-elect's first 100 days in office. In order for the public to continue to feel that the connection that he made with us is indeed real, and not the simple machinations of some professional politician. President Obama must find a way to immediately re-instill those principles at the very beginning of his administration. It is as if we all went out to Home Depot, purchased a lamp, plugged it in at the store, in order to make sure that it actually worked, and now we will bring that lamp back to our home and plug it in once again; just to be assured that we brought the right thing. The reigns will be in President Obama's hands at this point, and the nation must see some evidence of the change that we have been looking for; even as he reminds us that it is actually within ourselves. The nation must be reminded of this in a very dramatic and symbolic way. The candidate who made that initial connection must become the President who can immediately make that connection once again; before the opportunity slips away from him. To steer the nation in quite another direction, in a very visible and palpable way, to instill the widespread perceptual image that change has actually come. This will now become President Barack Obama's mission during those precious first 100 days. To make flesh real!