Auto Insurance For New Driver - Top 5 Tips For Saving Big on Your Insurance Premium

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Finding cheap auto insurance for a new driver is never easy.
There seems to be a morbid fear of the new driver that sometimes insurance companies quote premiums that run well into thousands.
But despite all this, there are still ways that new drivers can save money; and in this article I'll outline a few of those ways.
Here are the top 5 tips for saving a bundle on auto insurance if you are new to getting behind the wheel...
Take a defensive driving course
- taking one of these courses will show that you are at least competent beyond the legal requirements of your license.
Providers will consider this a good thing and will view you as less risky.
Just search online for local defensive driving courses in your area.
Choose a car with a small engine
- the smaller the car, the less you'll pay for insurance.
Anything under a 1.
8 liter engine size will be ok.
Also try to avoid cars that have a high risk of being stolen.
If you are unsure about what these cars are just do a quick search online for 'cars most stolen' on Google.
Avoid modifications to your car
- modifications will send your premiums through the roof.
This is because it increases the likelihood of it being stolen, and any altered factory specification may void things like warranties.
A big one is adding tires or rims that are outside of normal factory specification.
Insurance providers frown on this and will charge you more.
Inquire about good student discounts
- if you are young or teen driver with a good grade point average, you might qualify for a discount on your premiums.
Sometimes you can save up to 30% or more, so it couldn't hurt to look into it.
Consider getting basic coverage
- by this, I mean to avoid any coverage terms that you don't actually need.
If the value of the car is relatively low, there is no need to go for things like collision coverage.
There are tons more tips that I could outline here but the ones above are the most important.
When you evaluate your circumstances after considering the tips, the best strategy is to use an online company that specializes in auto insurance for new driver.
You'll more than likely get a good quote and you'll need only your Zip Code to get started.
An added bonus is that you can get a quote in minutes.
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