Headache Types
Cluster headaches present with a far greater pain level. Although not life threatening in itself, the associated is very serious and often debilitating. Cluster headaches are known as such because of the groupings they occur in, and can be very hard to predict. This means that treatment over the course of a lifetime is difficult, resulting in attacks that usually cannot be avoided. A cluster headache usually prevents any daily function. Pain typically focuses behind one or both eyes. Patients can become overwhelmed with the pain associated with cluster headaches. Treatment of this pain should be the immediate and overriding concern. Over the counter medications are typically inadequate in these situations.
Secondary headaches are far rarer, and signify an underlying issue. As the name implies, a secondary headache results from another issue. Secondary headaches result from a problem in the brain that may or may not be life threatening. In the most serious of cases, a secondary headache can be a sign of a brain tumor. Poor blood flow and internal bleeding can also trigger secondary headaches. Regular headaches should be a sign to see the doctor.
The vast majority of headaches suffered fit into the primary headache category. As many as 90% of primary headaches are caused by so called "tension" headaches. A tension headache occurs when the muscles over the skull contract tightly, putting a painful amount of pressure on the head. The pain can typically be felt around the temples and around the eyes. Relief can usually be found with a variety of over the counter medications.