Grants for Disability Projects
- There are many organizations across America that support other smaller organizations that help those with disabilities. Receiving a substantial grant can be beneficial not only for the specific organization and the members who are involved, but also communities as a whole, bringing awareness and community support.
- The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation supports grants for people and organizations supporting people with unmet needs and with the least access to have those needs met. They offer two types of grants: Twin Cities Grants and Trustee Grants. The Twin Cities grants are for those located in the seven-county district of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, region. The Trustee Grants are available for organizations across the country where the families of donors have requested support in their own communities. Unsolicited applications are not available for Trustee Grants.
The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation
East Bridge Building
10 Second Street N.E., Suite 200
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413
612-623-1654 - Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation provides funds for nonprofit organizations that work toward integrating children with disabilities fully into society. Project applications should encompass a national view and include a plan of action that can be recreated at multiple locations. Applications are accepted nationally, however, preference is given to locations in which Mitsubishi Electric US companies are located. Preference is also given to collaborative projects and organizations that include people with disabilities in the process, and grants are only given to U.S. organizations that have been approved for 501(c)3 federal exemption.
Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation
1560 Wilson Blvd
Suite 1150
Arlington, Virginia 22209
703-276-8240 - Verizon Foundation focuses their efforts on literacy and education and health and safety with a focus on women, children and those with disabilities. Organizations labeled a 501(c)3 tax exempt may apply for a grant, including elementary and secondary schools, excluding field trips, hospital or medical research organizations, organizations which benefit colleges or universities and are owned by the government, governmental unit, organization that receives primary support from government organization or from the public, an organization that receives no more than one third of its support from gross income, or organizations that operate in conjunction with or for the organizations described. For eligibility, organizations must not replicate the work of public organizations on the local, state or federal level, they must serve the community without discrimination, keep books available for audit, comply with registration laws, and use the highest standards of business relations with the public.
Verizon Foundation
One Verizon Way
Basking Ridge, New Jersey, 07920
The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation
Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation
Verizon Foundation