Diencephalic Syndrome
Diencephalic Syndrome
It is possible that the main title of the report Diencephalic Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
The diencephalic syndrome is a very rare neurological disorder characterized by failure to thrive, abnormal thinness (emaciation), amnesia, intense sleepiness, unusual eye position and sometimes blindness. It is normally seen in infancy or early childhood but some cases have been reported in older children and even adults. Diencephalic syndrome is usually caused by a brain tumor such as a low-grade glioma or astrocytoma.
National Hydrocephalus Foundation
12413 Centralia Rd.
Lakewood, CA 90715-1653
Tel: (562)924-6666
Fax: (562)924-6666
Tel: (888)857-3434
Email: nhf@earthlink.net
Internet: http://www.nhfonline.org
Hydrocephalus Association
4340 East West Highway Ste 950
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: (301)202-3811
Fax: (301)202-3813
Tel: (888)598-3789
Email: info@hydroassoc.org
Internet: http://www.hydroassoc.org
American Cancer Society, Inc.
250 Williams NW St
Ste 6000
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: (404)320-3333
Tel: (800)227-2345
TDD: (866)228-4327
Internet: http://www.cancer.org
Children's Brain Tumor Foundation
274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1004
New York, NY 10016
United States
Tel: (212)448-1595
Fax: (212)448-1022
Tel: (866)228-4673
Email: info@cbtf.org
Internet: http://www.cbtf.org
Brain Tumor Foundation for Children, Inc.
6065 Roswell Road Suite 505
Atlanta, GA 30328-4015
Tel: (404)252-4107
Fax: (404)252-4108
Email: info@braintumorkids.org
Internet: http://www.braintumorkids.org
Rare Cancer Alliance
1649 North Pacana Way
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Internet: http://www.rare-cancer.org
Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) Information Center
PO Box 8126
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8126
Tel: (301)251-4925
Fax: (301)251-4911
Tel: (888)205-2311
TDD: (888)205-3223
Internet: http://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/GARD/
Madisons Foundation
PO Box 241956
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310)264-0826
Fax: (310)264-4766
Email: getinfo@madisonsfoundation.org
Internet: http://www.madisonsfoundation.org
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation
302 Ridgefield Court
Asheville, NC 28806
Tel: (828)665-6891
Fax: (828)665-6894
Tel: (800)253-6530
Email: pbtfus@pbtfus.org
Internet: http://www.pbtfus.org
Friends of Cancer Research
1800 M Street NW
Suite 1050 South
Washington, DC 22202
Tel: (202)944-6700
Email: info@focr.org
Internet: http://www.focr.org
National Brain Tumor Society
55 Chapel Street
Suite 200
Newton, MA 02458
Tel: (617)924-9997
Fax: (617)924-9998
Tel: (800) 770-8287
Email: info@braintumor.org
Internet: http://www.braintumor.org
It is possible that the main title of the report Diencephalic Syndrome is not the name you expected. Please check the synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and disorder subdivision(s) covered by this report.
- Diencephalic Syndrome of Childhood
- Diencephalic Syndrome of Emaciation
- Paramedian Diencephalic Syndrome
- Russell's Diencephalic Cachexia
- Russell's Syndrome
Disorder Subdivisions
- None
General Discussion
The diencephalic syndrome is a very rare neurological disorder characterized by failure to thrive, abnormal thinness (emaciation), amnesia, intense sleepiness, unusual eye position and sometimes blindness. It is normally seen in infancy or early childhood but some cases have been reported in older children and even adults. Diencephalic syndrome is usually caused by a brain tumor such as a low-grade glioma or astrocytoma.
National Hydrocephalus Foundation
12413 Centralia Rd.
Lakewood, CA 90715-1653
Tel: (562)924-6666
Fax: (562)924-6666
Tel: (888)857-3434
Email: nhf@earthlink.net
Internet: http://www.nhfonline.org
Hydrocephalus Association
4340 East West Highway Ste 950
Bethesda, MD 20814
Tel: (301)202-3811
Fax: (301)202-3813
Tel: (888)598-3789
Email: info@hydroassoc.org
Internet: http://www.hydroassoc.org
American Cancer Society, Inc.
250 Williams NW St
Ste 6000
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: (404)320-3333
Tel: (800)227-2345
TDD: (866)228-4327
Internet: http://www.cancer.org
Children's Brain Tumor Foundation
274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1004
New York, NY 10016
United States
Tel: (212)448-1595
Fax: (212)448-1022
Tel: (866)228-4673
Email: info@cbtf.org
Internet: http://www.cbtf.org
Brain Tumor Foundation for Children, Inc.
6065 Roswell Road Suite 505
Atlanta, GA 30328-4015
Tel: (404)252-4107
Fax: (404)252-4108
Email: info@braintumorkids.org
Internet: http://www.braintumorkids.org
Rare Cancer Alliance
1649 North Pacana Way
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Internet: http://www.rare-cancer.org
Genetic and Rare Diseases (GARD) Information Center
PO Box 8126
Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8126
Tel: (301)251-4925
Fax: (301)251-4911
Tel: (888)205-2311
TDD: (888)205-3223
Internet: http://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/GARD/
Madisons Foundation
PO Box 241956
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: (310)264-0826
Fax: (310)264-4766
Email: getinfo@madisonsfoundation.org
Internet: http://www.madisonsfoundation.org
Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation
302 Ridgefield Court
Asheville, NC 28806
Tel: (828)665-6891
Fax: (828)665-6894
Tel: (800)253-6530
Email: pbtfus@pbtfus.org
Internet: http://www.pbtfus.org
Friends of Cancer Research
1800 M Street NW
Suite 1050 South
Washington, DC 22202
Tel: (202)944-6700
Email: info@focr.org
Internet: http://www.focr.org
National Brain Tumor Society
55 Chapel Street
Suite 200
Newton, MA 02458
Tel: (617)924-9997
Fax: (617)924-9998
Tel: (800) 770-8287
Email: info@braintumor.org
Internet: http://www.braintumor.org