Infants Born to Chlamydia-Positive Mothers

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Infants Born to Chlamydia-Positive Mothers
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most prevalent sexually transmitted microbial infection in the United States. The CDC estimates that 3 million people are infected annually, with approximately 50% of infected men and 75% of infected women having few or no recognized symptoms. C. trachomatis is frequently transferred from mother to infant, and the maternal-infant transfer of this disease may have negative consequences for the newborn, such as prematurity, pneumonia, and conjunctivitis. Ocular prophylaxis with silver nitrate and or antibiotics is ineffective in preventing neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis. By increasing awareness of the potential adverse consequences, initiating screening and treatment of pregnant women, and advocating for newborn assessment and treatment, nurses can enhance the quality of care for mothers and their infants.

A 1-week-old White infant presents for an initial well-child examination. The mother had noticed a small amount of thin white matting from both eyes on the previous morning. The infant has been afebrile, voiding and stooling adequately, and eating well.

Born to gravida 2, para 2, 22-year-old mother.

Pregnancy uneventful; the mother reports having no complications but did not receive prenatal care after the 12th week due to financial constraints.

Term, single vaginal delivery (SVD). Membranes were ruptured for 12 hours before delivery. The mother remained afebrile during and after delivery. Infant had spontaneous respirations and Apgars of 8/9. Birth weight 6 pounds, 10 ounces.

Breastfed at one hour of life and has continued to successfully breastfeed. The mother's unknown Group B Strep (GBS) status required the infant to be monitored for 48 hours in the hospital.

Vital Signs: Temperature, 98.5 degrees axillary; pulse, 130; respiratory rate, 48.
Weight: 6 pounds, 4 ounces.
Height: 19.5 inches.
General Appearance: Alert, awake, healthy-appearing, 1-week-old male infant.
Head: Anterior fontanel open, soft and flat, sutures approximated, symmetrical.
Eyes: Bilateral ocular scant mucoid discharge and mild conjunctival erythema without edema. Red reflex intact bilaterally.
Ears: Patent canal, gray Tempanic Membrane (TM) with positive light reflex.
Nose: Patent.
Mouth: Palate intact, moist pink mucous membranes, Epstein's pearls midpalate.
Lymph nodes: None palpable.
Skin: Acrocyanosis.
Lungs: Clear bilateral.
Heart: Regular rate and rhythm with grade 2/6 systolic murmur Left Sternal Border (LSB).
Abdomen: Soft, flat, bowel sounds present.
Neuro: Startle, Moro, Babinski, sucking, rooting intact with normal tone.

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