Five Crucial Tips on Writing Great Copy
You must understand that most people are very emotionally driven and your writing should "magnetize" them toward your particular product.
In order to get that "perfect message, with the perfect words," you have to write to them as if they didn't know how they ever managed in life with your product.
In order to write, that convincing, "I'm sold!" copy you have to use words that cause people to surge in anger, "Hey! I was ripped off in the past!" to sadness, "What am I going to do now?" to an explosion in happiness, "Wow! This guy really wants to help me!" In other words, you need to cleverly connect the dots in your copy to strike these emotions at very specific points in order to close the sale.
Great, riveting copy, ties us emotionally to text we read everyday.
News organizations, although they are stating the "facts," use this type of writing all the time to "sway" you into a particular opinion, usually the opinion of the editor.
The internet marketing industry has made a multimillion dollar windfall for countless internet-marketers by instituting highly skilled experts to write outstanding, riveting sales pages.
Your business ad campaign absolutely needs to have explosive copy in order to make a tenfold difference in your bottom line.
Here are five rules that will transform your copy from zero to hero: 1.
Who is your target audience? In other words, what lucrative markets are you pursuing? You must establish your market before you even write your fist word.
Who are you marketing to? Working families? Teens? Single moms? What specific needs do they have that drive them to your product or service? What are their pains? Write copy that gets that conversation going.
Find language that speaks to their level.
Befriend your market.
Use your own conversation to establish a connection by speaking their language.
Eliminate the disconnect so that your market will buy from you, and not someone else.
Magnetize them to your product.
You must apply the K-I-S-S rule In other words, "Keep it simple, Stupid!" Don't confound them with a lot of unnecessary and lengthy text.
People have the attention span of a mosquito.
Present your product in short sound-bytes, or, in text, short sentences or text-bytes.
Don't ramble on a tangent, stay on course.
Absolutely NO technical jargon! They don't need to know every single detail about your product! That's what the instruction book is for! Remember, mosquito attention span! People just need to know enough about your product to make their lives better.
Offering too many unnecessary details will kill your sale! 5.
Be honest.
You don't have to lie to get a sale.
If you deliberately misconstrue the facts about your product, people will eventually find out.
Remember, your point is to get new and repeat customers.
When they discover your lies, you've killed your business.
So remember these crucial elements to your advertising campaign.
Zero in your target audience.
Come into people's living rooms.
Keep the conversation simple and stay on course with the conversation.
Avoid too much technical speak.
And be real with your customers.
These rules should help anyone, in any business, anywhere, be successful.