Bullying Is Sometimes Okay
Since it is a newly-created offense against humanity, "bullying" is difficult to define although usually interpreted as any persistent physical, verbal, or emotional intimidation committed by a person or group against a target perceived to be weaker and more vulnerable. Like another politically-correct invention, "hate crime," bullying only applies to selected victims. Legally, your boss can bully you all he wants since he's your boss and parents can bully their kids to their hearts' content since most often they are disciplining them. Of course, if you happen to be a minority of any stripe-racial, religious, or sexual-you can always allege unwarranted bullying and sue for damages. So, too, can a designated majority, women, claim unfair intimidation. Usually.Should you not fit comfortably in any of those protected categories, you're pretty much SOL. Tanya Dixon-Neely, a black teacher at North Carolina's North Rowan High School, discovered there are limits to her freedom to bully her white students. The limitations became apparent after 17 year old Hunter Rogers went public with a video of Ms. Dixon-Neely's classroom rant in defense of Barack Hussein Obama and her attempt to stifle Rogers' opinions on Mitt Romney. Evidently, ignorant of epithets hurled at George W. Bush for eight years and the truth about Obama, her groundless threats that Rogers could be arrested for speaking ill of the president, ("Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?"), were absolute lies as was her denial that her hero bullied a little girl in Hawaii who had darker skin than he had. Dixon-Neely was suspended-with pay-but only her ultra-partisan political bullying hit the fan. See details of her assault on a student's First Amendment rights here.. Certain governmental bullying is acceptable, however. For example, when America's Attorney General intimidated University of Arkansas at Fort Smith into permiting a transgendered, 38 year old anatomical male to use female potty facilities, it was just fine. Objections from the young ladies at UAFS went for naught as did the university's reasonable alternative of allowing "Jennifer" Braly to use "gender neutral" bathrooms after Braly complained to Eric Holder's Justice Department. As Braly said, "I am frustrated and highly depressed about all of these unfair restrictions. I live as a woman full time and have been for a year and a half now. I have natural breast development bigger than some normal girls from the hormone treatment. The only thing restricting me is what's between my legs. Everyone is so concerned with what's between my legs. I am just as much woman as anyone else."We certainly wouldn't want Ms/Mister Braly to feel uncomfortable. Personally, I haven't seen what's between Braly's legs nor do I care to but his reference to "normal girls" says a great deal about his normality. Our DoJ clearly bullied UAFS and the school's co-eds all in the name of PC. Hopefully, after those co-eds have a sit down next to "Jennifer" Braly's legs, they will remember that experience on Election Day. Blacks bullying America's white majority, often accompanied by beatings and worse violence, has become pervasive throughout our country although you would never know it based on mainstream media reports. Demonstrating they are equal opportunity bulliers, African-Americans regularly find time to bully and assault Asians, as well. One instance occurred in the City of Brotherly Love a few years ago when 70 black students at South Philadelphia High School attacked 30 Asians-primarily young girls-because, well, because they weren't black. The Asian students reported the harassment to their school which took no action against the black bulliers since the assaults weren't deemed racially-motivated and certainly didn't constitute a hate crime. The story was not covered by the P.C. Philadelphia media but was picked up by the Dallas Morning News. "Tony" posted a 5 minute, 37 second video on YouTube in which he sarcastically commented that bullying can only be committed by white people and speculated that the beatings could have been motivated more by black envy of Asian academic achievements. He also posted charts comparing, among other stats, Asian student SAT scores with other races.
It's quite evident that bullying is never a cut-and-dried issue. North Rowan High School teacher Dixon-Neely was finally disciplined for bullying a student, after the incident went viral. Nevertheless, AG Holder was free to bully co-eds at UAFS into going to the bathroom seated next to a semi-transgendered guy still sporting male body parts and Asian students at South Philadelphia High School can't allege they were bullied and beaten simply because they were Asians and their attackers blacks. I guess it all depends on who you know.
(See all sources at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=24595.)
It's quite evident that bullying is never a cut-and-dried issue. North Rowan High School teacher Dixon-Neely was finally disciplined for bullying a student, after the incident went viral. Nevertheless, AG Holder was free to bully co-eds at UAFS into going to the bathroom seated next to a semi-transgendered guy still sporting male body parts and Asian students at South Philadelphia High School can't allege they were bullied and beaten simply because they were Asians and their attackers blacks. I guess it all depends on who you know.
(See all sources at http://www.genelalor.com/blog1/?p=24595.)