Lower Your Group Health Premium - Place Your Dependents on Individual Health
Because the individual and family plans go through an application process know as medical underwriting.
Which means the insurance company will review your current and past health condition.
This "Underwriting" allows a company to lower or increase the premium based on health as opposed to a group policy which is guaranteed issue, and must take everyone within the company plan.
So if you currently have an employer group health plan in place, and are paying for your dependents, remember, you can usually save substantial money if you consider an individual policy for your spouse and or children as long as they are relatively healthy.
Or you will be able to increase benefits or decrease your deductible for the same premium amount.
Individual and Family plans in California cannot be canceled or non-renewed.
You can also take it with you from employer to employer.
A Medicare Supplement is another way for the employer to save.
If an employee turns 65 and applies for Medicare Part B coverage, they are now eligible for a Medicare Supplement or Medigap plan.
Depending on the supplement chosen, the insured will have most likely much better coverage, and the employer will not have to pay the very expensive over age 65 monthly premium.
Some of the Medicare Supplement companies will also allow List-Billing.
Which is, if there are several Medicare Supplement insured's within the company the employer can receive on invoice for all Med Supp members.