Ben 10 Party Games

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    • Ben 10 is a 10-year-old boy that found a watch giving him the power to turn into different aliens. If your child is one of those kids who cannot miss an episode of Ben 10 then you can plan your party games around the Ben 10 theme.

    Alien Costume Game

    • Give your party guests the power to become aliens. Divide your guests into groups. You can vary the size of the groups depending on how many guests you have and how much "stuff" you have. Before the party, walk around your home and gather all sorts of items that the kids can use to make alien costumes. You can use pretty much anything you want from pots and pans to fabric to cardboard paper towel tubes. Make sure you also have other things handy such as various kinds of tape, twist ties, scissors, etc. Put all the stuff into a pile. Allow the different teams to grab stuff to make their own alien costume. The team with the best alien costume in the end wins.

    Scavenger Hunt

    • Ben found the alien watch while he was camping and doing some exploring. Send your party guests to do some exploring of their own. Create a scavenger hunt for your party guests. Make sure you hide all the clues well in advance of the party so that there is no cheating. Divide the party guests into groups of three or four. Send out one team at a time, recording the time they leave and also the time they return with all of the items on the list. Scatter the teams by five minutes. The team to come back with all the items on the list with the best time is the winner.

    Frozen Alien

    • Fill a bowl with water and insert an alien figure. You can either do a small one for each child or make larger ones for teams to work on together. You may also have to check your alien periodically during freezing to make sure that he is down inside the block of ice and not floating on the top. During the party place one frozen alien per guest or team on a table about 10 feet away. Place buckets of warm water near the kids and give them small paper cups. Their job is to release the alien using the warm water. The first team or person to release his alien wins the game and gets to keep the alien.

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